Going To The Lake <Pt.3>

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Requested by: Like Six People? Maybe.

Night time came across the Stray Kids dorms.

After much debate, Chan fell asleep in his room, thinking about Minho.

Said member was in his own room, waiting for the right time.

The right time to see if he could finally reunite with his Sungie.

"Everybody sleep?", the little asked himself.

He sat up in his bed, peeking out of the door of his room and into the empty hallway.

"Oh, they all sleep. I on the way Sungie!"

Minho ran from his room, and down the steps as quietly as he could.

He got to the back door of the house, walking outside and sliding the door back in place.

In front of him, he saw the pool.

"Don't do this Minho.", a voice said.

But Minho didn't listen as he walked towards the water.

He sat down by the edge, taking a deep breath.

"Minho, don't do this, please."

Minho looked around.

He couldn't see where the voice was coming from.

But he didn't mind.

He looked at the pitch black water before putting his hands to his side and lifting himself off, sliding into the water.

The pitch black water completely enveloped him.

Minho let himself sink as deeply as possible in the water.

As it got harder to breathe however, he began to panic. He moved around quickly in an attempt to get back up, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't reach the top.

The panic fully settled in, and he tried to scream, but was only met with a mouth full of water.

After close to three minutes of struggling, he stopped, and the water went quiet.

Running footsteps were heard from above the water, and suddenly, someone jumped into the pool, grabbing Minho by his arm and pulling him up.

They reached the top, laying Minho on the side of the pool.

"Minho, hey, what the hell were you doing?"

The person started doing whatever it took to get the water out of Minho, doing so effectively after two attempts.

Minho spit out a bunch of water, rolling over to his side and letting it spill out.

"Minho, are you okay?"

Minho laid on his back, and to his shock, his eyes landed on Jisung.

"Sungie?", he said.

"Hi baby. What were you doing out here alone, in the water? You almost died!"

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