A Park Not Far Away 5

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Requested by: Like Two People? Possibly. Maybe. It's early I don't know.

"I have to talk to Jisung. I have a feeling there's something he isn't telling us.", Felix said.

"Yeah because this makes no sense. He wouldn't just tell a very suspicious man information like this unless he had a very good reason for doing so.", Changbin replied.

"And even then, something about this whole situation is off. If Seungmin's dad is after all of us, why wouldn't you take the chance with Jisung when he met him the first time?"

The members continued to sit in their circle, talking.

Felix got up after a while to call Jisung.

The phone rang three times before it was picked up.


"Jisung. I have a very important question for you."

"Felix please-"

"No, listen. This isn't making sense to us. You knew for a while I'm guessing that this stemmed from the decision you made to give that man our location."

"I did."

"So why? Why not tell us? It seems oddly suspicious that you waited this long for it to be exposed. What are you hiding?"

Jisung sighed.

"Felix, I don't have time to explain."

"Please Jisung. We need to know. Chan is very angry right now and he surely needs an explanation."

"I was little, when I met him."


"I was little, Felix. I was alone, I was little, and I trusted this man like little me trusts everyone. Little me believes everything anyone says because he doesn't understand danger, and I guess I don't either."

"So wait, you're telling me the only reason you gave him the information is because little you trusts him?"

"Yes. Little me trusted him. He was there that night, I don't know why but he was. I felt safe with him so I told him all he needed to know and did as he asked."

Felix stayed silent.

"I'm sorry Felix. Tell them I'm sorry too. I'm clearly a danger to this group, seeing as I've already caused this much damage."

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