Popcorn Machine (Little Jisung)

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Little: Jisung
Caregiver: Minho
Requested by: AiniNazirah41

Movie Night.

A luxury in the home of the eight men who were currently sharing a house.

Movie night was special for a few reasons.

It was a time to relax, eat snacks, and have fun with friends.

But most importantly, it was the time where Little Jisung was out and in his cutest form.

"Daddyyyyyyyyyyyy!", Jisung yelled.

"Minho your child is yelling.", Seungmin said.

"Oh trust me, I hear him. I'm coming baby!", Minho yelled back.

While the other members were trying to choose a movie, Jisung was getting dressed in some comfortable clothes.

Minho got up to his room and saw Jisung trying to get his onesie on.

"Need help daddy!", Jisung said.

"Trying to wear your new onesie I see."

Minho went over to him, helping the little step into his pink onesie.

"What movie we watch daddy?"

"Appas are still choosing for us. So I figured we could do something special in the meantime."

"What we do daddy?"

Minho zipped up the littles onesie.

"We are going to make the popcorn."

"Oh! We make the PopPop!"

"Yes we will. And I have a special method for doing so."

The two left the room, going back down to the kitchen.

On the kitchen island was something Jisung didn't expect to see.

"Daddy! It PopPop box!"

"That's right baby. We bought a popcorn machine! Are you ready to test it out?"

"Yes! We make every PopPop!"

Changbin and Seungmin came into the kitchen.

"Is it popcorn time?", Changbin asked.

"It is. Can you two help Jisung get the popcorn stuff while I plug this in?", Minho responded.


Minho plugged the popcorn machine in to make sure it worked.

Jisung, Changbin, and Seungmin went to the pantry.

Jisung picked up the container of popcorn kernels, carrying it back to the kitchen counter.

Seungmin picked up some of the powdered flavorings, and a few of the liquid ones.

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