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Interstellar First Battle Chicken 183 Chapter 183

Novel: Interstellar First Battle Chicken Author: Kukaiden Modify Date: 2017-03-07 09:55:34 Source website: Holy Ruins Fiction Network

Nine huge cyan dragons soared through the air and flew straight towards the battleship. When I get closer, I can see the scales and claws of these nine-headed dragons more clearly, and the long dragon roar makes people feel like they are in the era of mythical floods.

The golden chariot pulled by the dragon stopped in front of the battleship, Chu Xi came out of the chariot, flew to stand on the head of a dragon, contacted Wei Long, and ordered him: "Wei Long, you are standing by in place, if they come back in Zhenghe, notify me."

"Yes!" Wei Long hurriedly answered to the communication terminal, he knew about the dragon vein, but he didn't expect the formation to be so big, so he couldn't help but ask: "General, isn't there only one dragon vein, why did the nine-headed dragon come out all of a sudden?"

"This is not a dragon vein, it is a dragon." After briefly explaining a few words to Wei Long, Chu Xi cut off the communication and jumped back into the golden chariot. Lu Ohoh put the little chicken cub on his head, grabbed Chu Xi's arm, and shouted excitedly: "Let's go for a ride!" With

the order of Lu Oh, the nine-headed dragon roared up to the sky, and its huge body rose up in the clouds, pulling the golden chariot towards the distance, and the sound of rolling wind and thunder sounded in the sky wherever it passed.

Watching the nine-headed dragon pull the chariot and fly farther and farther, until he could no longer see, Wei Long retracted his gaze and turned to the command channel of the battleship, conveying Chu Xi's order: "Everyone stand by in place!" The

soldiers in the battleship breathed a sigh of relief, and the ones who were close began to talk in a low voice, this said how powerful the nine-headed dragon he had just seen was, and the golden chariot pulled by the dragon was the most shocking, everyone discussed with interest, without exception, they all respected the General Chu and King Lu they followed.

"I just said that it must be right to follow the general, what happened to breaking away from the military system? What happened to the unexplored primordial planet? As long as there are generals and kings, our Taize Star will be able to rise to become one of the top forces sooner or later! A black-haired and black-eyed soldier and his comrades beside him said loudly, their expressions full of pride, as a Hua Meng with authentic ancient earth blood, he obviously had a special affection for the mythical creature of the dragon, "They can even get a dragon to pull a cart!"

The soldier beside

him also echoed with a look of approval: "That's right! After a pause, the soldier's face showed disdain again, and he hummed lowly: "Kroll would rather stay in the base star, he applied to quit the Radiant Legion, wait and see, he will definitely regret it one day!"

When he mentioned those who had withdrawn from the legion, the people around him also showed indignant looks, and the topic quickly turned to this. The Huiyao Legion was originally a 100,000-strong regiment, but in the end, the legion that followed Chu Xi to Taize Star had only 20,000 soldiers, and the rest were the families of the soldiers and other non-combatants.

Chu Xi did not force all the soldiers of the Yuan Huiyao Legion to immigrate to Taize Star with their families, but gave them the opportunity to choose freely. Preferential treatment was also given to those soldiers who applied to withdraw, and the military department arranged for them to go to other corps. But for these loyal soldiers who remained, the departure of those former comrades could be said to be a betrayal, and there was some resentment in their hearts.

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