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nighttimeThousand Nights Pavilion > Girls' Novel > Interstellar First Battle Chicken > Chapter 22

Chapter 22

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"Be careful!" Seeing that the giant 'chicken' incarnated by Lu Oh Oh actually raised his head and put a golden 'chicken' bright wings on his side after jumping down, Chu Xi's forehead was green and tendons jumped, and he shouted violently: "Behind!" "Boom


His voice did not fall, an incomparably thick huge snake tail has been fiercely 'pumped' towards the giant 'chicken', after the other party dodged, slammed on the ground, and in an instant there was a loud boom, sand and stones splashed, and a hard mountain rock was smashed, the power was comparable to a heavy cannon bombardment.

One blow missed, the snake's tail swept across, and another piece of rubble splashed, and the surrounding trees were the first to suffer, directly crushed and shattered by the huge force. The hundred zhang giant 'chicken' was full of golden light, did not retreat, but rushed forward, two sharp giant claws fiercely grabbed into the snake's tail, and immediately grabbed the green scaled snake tail out of several blood holes.

The giant python ate pain, the snake's tail swung wildly, desperately flicked off the pair of sharp claws that could grasp through the green scales of his protective body, coiled up, opened the blood basin and bit towards the giant 'chicken'. Lu Oh Oh did not show weakness, even more fierce than the other party, his wings flapped wildly, his claws tore off a large piece of the blood 'flesh' of the python scales, and he struggled to break free from the entanglement of the giant python's body and pecked straight at the python's eyes.

Two huge and fierce giant beasts fought together, the entire mountain cliff was shaken and trembled non-stop, one mountain wall after another was knocked down, one by one towering giant trees were broken and crushed, and the snake hissing 'chicken' accompanied by the roar continued to 'reverberate' in the mountains. This terrifying battle and the strong aura of ferocious beasts spread, causing the giant beasts within a radius of a hundred miles around them to be terrified, scattering and fleeing, far from the battlefield to avoid being harmed themselves.

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