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Interstellar First Battle Chicken 164 Chapter 164

Novel: Interstellar First Battle Chicken Author: Kukaiden Modify Date: 2017-03-07 09:55:34 Source website: Holy Ruins Fiction Network

Feng Lan's thoughts were the same as him, nodded, with apologies in his eyes, this plan is the most suitable, but it will definitely take a long time, and they will not be able to leave the Kaziran system to find someone in a short time.

In fact, the chicken feeder can completely leave the black emperor these messes, immediately leave here to find their big flower, these zergs hidden in the Robert Lanko satellite group are a big trouble for the black emperor interstellar empire, but it has no effect on him, even if those zergs go out in the future, with his strength, it is difficult to meet in the vast universe. The reason why he had to go to great lengths to get rid of these zergs, Feng Lan was very clear, it was completely for himself.

"There's a worm moult here!" The words of feeding the chicken interrupted Feng Lan's thoughts, and Feng Lan's heart tightened, and he looked at it intently, and in the corner of the cave, there was indeed a shriveled insect.

From the shape of this worm's hollow shell, it is a very rare parasitic brain worm in the zerg, which can quietly invade the brain of the creature, devouring the memory of the original owner instead, in the information about the zerg, this parasitic brain worm is second only to the mother queen in terms of terrifying degree, but it is also difficult to breed, and only some extremely powerful mother queens have the ability to split a brain worm.

The worms have accumulated dust, and the brain worms inside have long ago not known where to go. The two glanced at each other, and carefully withdrew from the depths of the cave, galloping all the way out of the Robert Ranko satellite group and returning to the temporary space station station established by the Black Yao Legion on the periphery.

"It seems that Orlander's secret method of transforming the Blue Blood Warrior is inseparable from that brain worm." The chicken fed a handful of source crystals in his hands, this trip made him consume a lot, and now while absorbing the energy in the source crystals, he was talking to Feng Lan: "We weren't still wondering how they colluded with the Zerg who didn't have much wisdom before, but now it seems that it must be the ghost of the brain worm."

"When we cleared the Orlando royal family, we didn't find any traces of brain worms..." Feng Lan's expression was solemn, and he sent a message to Shunhua to let him come over, and began to contact the Black Emperor City again, preparing to re-check, and must find this brain worm.

It's a pity that they are destined to work in vain this time, because the brain worm they are looking for is no longer in the Kaziran galaxy at the moment, and its current parasitic host is Princess Sphendia, who escaped with Prince Klimo.

At this time, Princess Sphenia did not know that the lair was about to be taken by someone else, and she had just arrived in Moridorosco City under the escort of Klimo and the guards.

It's just that at this moment, Morido Rosco City has been martial law, and the Blue Star Shopping Street, which is the core of the explosion, is even tightly sealed, and it is not even the city guard troops of Moridorosco City that are guarded, but the special special energy force urgently dispatched by the council headquarters, and all the soldiers are all high-level superpowers.

Seeing that it was two distinguished royal visitors from a higher civilization, the guards who were waiting for the strict formation did not dare to act rashly, and immediately notified the commander after stopping the aircraft. Under the layers of reports, the head of the Central Department of the Parliament in charge of this area, the head of the Xilin family, Siria, rushed over and personally negotiated with Prince Klimo and them.

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