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nighttimeThousand Nights Pavilion > Girls' Novel > Interstellar First Battle Chicken > Chapter 5

Chapter 5

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Lu Oh carried the man into his grass nest and dragged a large animal skin bag from the corner. He has always lived in the original form of a rooster, and this burden is also made according to the body shape of the 'chicken', and now his thin little body stands in front of the baggage, and the person is not yet high.

However, Lu Oh Oh shrank in size but his strength was not small, and he easily dragged out the huge baggage, untied it, and rolled out a bunch of things, bones, beads, ores, grass branches and fruits, 'messy' everything had everything, and buried Lu Oh all at once.

The young man crawled out with a gray face, lifted a clump of dry branches covered by his head, and quickly looked to the other side of the nest, fortunately, the man was still fainting, and he didn't see himself so humiliated.

This bag is all of Lu Ohoh's belongings, and the contents are all his treasures over the years. He rolled up his sleeves, dragged out a black 'colored' branch half a meter long and arm-thick, and 'touched' a purple peel fruit with his hand, and took a sip, clicking and nibbling on the fruit while peeling the bark.

Under the belly of a fruit, the demon power of Lu Oh Oh immediately recovered about thirty percent, which is worthy of being a life-saving baby that has been 'obtained' with great difficulty. He counted, there were only four purple peel fruits left, and now he had a daughter-in-law to raise, so dangerous places are not good to go again, but you have to save some food.

After the rough skin of the black 'color' of the branches is peeled off, the soft emerald green inner core is 'exposed', and the translucent viscous liquid can be squeezed out with a pinch. Aloe Oh leaned over to the man, unwrapped the strip of cloth that bandaged the wound, soaked his palm in the juice on the branch, and then wiped the wound across his spine.

After wiping the wound, Lu Ohoh pretended to scan the upper body of the man's □□, his big black eyes dripped and turned, and his little hands stained with juice began to 'mess' smear, pasting the man's firm 'chest' chest and eight-pack abs with a layer of shiny translucent viscous liquid.

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