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Interstellar First Battle Chicken 178 Chapter 178

Novel: Interstellar First Battle Chicken Author: Kukaiden Modify Date: 2017-03-07 09:55:34 Source website: Holy Ruins Fiction Network

Chu Xi discussed some things with Marshal Broken again, and then left the military department. On the flying machine, he first sent a communication to Lu Ohoh.

When he received the communication request, Lu Oh was burying his head in the battle, and the table had changed several rounds of empty bowls and empty plates, seeing that it was Chu Xilai's communication, he connected while eating, and asked him: "Are you busy?"

"Well, where are you and Da Mao?" Seeing the "battle situation" on Lu Oh's side from the light screen, Chu Xi's originally cold expression softened, and he couldn't help but smile and shake his head, and said helplessly: "Don't let Da Mao eat too much, be careful to support him." No

, on the small mat next to Lu Oh Oh lay a little chicken cub on all fours, with a bulging little belly, obviously already eaten, like a small round pom-pom with yellow velvet. Hearing Chu Xi's voice, Da Mao fluttered his small short wings, stood up with difficulty, and chirped at Chu Xi on the other side of the communication light screen: "Father!

"We're eating noodles!" Saying that, Lu Oh Oh smoothly poked his finger on Da Mao's bulging little belly, and Da Mao immediately fell back again.

When Chu Xi came over, Lu Oh Oh had already eaten, and was leaning back on the chair, rubbing his bulging stomach with his hand, looking lazy. The chicken cub next to him also occupied a chair by himself, learning his oh-oh daddy look, leaning back on the back of the chair, and patting his belly with his little short wings.

The old store manager in the kitchen was almost tired and collapsed, and a sign was directly hung outside the store that was temporarily closed, King Lu's stomach was simply a bottomless pit, and Chu Xi was responsible for taking the father and son home.

Before leaving, Lu Wuoh took out a silver-white card from his sleeve, handed it to the old store manager, and solemnly told him: "This is the silver card of immigrating Taize Star, if you want to immigrate Taize Star in the future, just take it."

This guy is obviously worried about the craftsmanship of the old store manager, Chu Xi watched from the side, but did not stop it, such a silver card is specially prepared for special talents, it is the identity certificate of the core residents of Taize Star, and it will be officially issued in the future.

The old store manager took the card with sincere trepidation and sent the people away, only then was he relieved. He returned to the kitchen to take a breath, looked down and carefully looked at the silver card in his hand, the silver-white card was not large, and there was a colorful rooster with a high neck on the card, which was extremely divine.

His youngest son poked his head on the side and asked curiously: "Dad, this card was given by that adult?" What's the use?

"What are you doing here, go and go, go and help your big brother!" The old man sent his younger son away, and he looked at the silver card in his hand and worried, their family finally took root in Yaocheng, and what did they do in Taize Xing when they were idle? Taize Star he heard about two days ago, it is a primitive planet that has just been developed, how can it be compared with Central Star, the capital planet of the Hua Alliance?

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