"It would appear so."

His first mate spotted a picture hanging on the wall. "Is that Florence? Something seems different, but I can't put my finger on it."

"Don't you have work to do?" He quirked his eyebrow before resuming his job.

The captain stared longingly at the photo. "Florence." He mumbled sadly.

After swabbing, Florence is now walking through the corridors near the engine room placing mouse traps all over.

"I'm sorry little mouseys."

"I believe the correct term is mice." Florence jumped before finding Jason standing next to him.

"What are you doing down here? This area is restricted."

He smirked. "I seem to be lost."

Florence narrowed his eyes at him. "Why is it I don't believe you?"

He threw his hands up. "Okay. I may have snuck in here to see you."

He began to feel uneasy. "Why?"

"It's a long story."

"Okay. Well, how about you tell me all about it on our way out?" He was about to grab his arm to escort him out when John came from his hiding spot.

"I'm afraid we can't leave yet." Jason told him.

"What? Why?" Florence asked.

"Cause we don't want that heartless bastard to take you away from us again."

"What are you talking about?"

Jason took his phone out and presented it to him. "See for yourself."

Florence cautiously took the phone and stared with unbelieving eyes.

"What is this?" He asked.

"That's you, me, and your family when we had a family picnic a few months ago."

"I don't understand." He said. "I don't even know you guys. There's gotta be a mistake."

"Let me ask you something. Is the captain a sorcerer by any chance?"

Florence looked up in surprise. "How did you know? We kept it a secret."

"After you referred to him as your father, we went through all the possibilities and what the surgeon told us."

"Surgeon? What surgeon?" He asked.

"The surgeon who declared you dead." Jason answered.


Jason sighed sadly. "Six months ago, you were viciously attacked and sent to the supernatural ER. We were told that you had passed during surgery. But when we were going to claim your body,  you weren't anywhere to be found."

"Oh my God." Florence covered his mouth with his hand as tears threatened to fall. "It can't be true. This can't be real."

"But it is." Jason said. "I know it's hard to believe but."

They felt the ship shaking as water pipes burst. "Ah! We're all gonna drown!" Florence yelled.

"Not on our watch." Jason vowed before grabbing a hold of him and tugging him out. They left before the water could contain the halls.

When they made it to the upper decks, guests and crew members are evacuating as alarms and announcements can be heard on the intercom.

"It's over." They hear Calvin's voice up ahead. "Supernatural authorities are on their way with special trained wizard forces."

"You could never understand the pain of losing a child." The captain's voice is also heard

"Trust us. We know your pain all too well when you took him from us." The other spoke.

The captain chuckled sadly. "I must admit that I did wrong and should've known better. But he resembled him so much that I couldn't help myself. If it's any consolation, his personality is the opposite of my actual son's."

"No." Florence mumbled sadly.

They hear helicopters on the horizon before, "I won't let you, nor the special forces take me in. Prison doesn't sound too pretty, so."

"Stop!" They hear before seeing a blast of magic illuminating the area they were in before Florence felt light headed

Before he could fall, Jason held him tightly. "I got you." He promised as memories flood back into Florence's mind.

"My real name is Christian, right?" He asked making Jason grin wide.

"Welcome back." He kissed his head happily as his family rushed over to group hug them.

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