Chapter 78 - Swimsuit Symposium

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The next day, I awoke to the sound of rather heavy rainfall outside. Seeing it was a bit early, I decided to go ahead and get breakfast ready.

I chatted with Arona while cooking. Soon, I was finished and went to go to wake the girls up.

I knocked on their door, which was opened bu a smiling Hifumi. "Morning, Sensei!" She chirped.

"Mornin'." I greet, seeing Hanako also awake, Koharu half-asleep and Azusa knocked out asleep. "Glad to see she finally went to bed."

"Finally?" Koharu asks.

"I think she's been pushing herself a bit too hard these past few days. We should let her sleep in a bit longer." Hanako suggests.

"Hmm... no..." Azusa mumbles in her sleep. "The cute creatures... So round a fluffy... I mustn't."

I chuckle at that.

"Someone sounds like they're having a good dream." Hanako says with a giggle.

"I'm happy for her, she needs the sleep." I smile. "Plus, it's best to sleep in on days like this." I add. I've always hated rainy days. Even when I was a kid, I tried to sleep through them.

crack BOOM

The sound of thunder rings out as lightning lights up the outside beyond the windows.

"Th-The sound of thunder might make it hard though." Hifumi says, having jumped from the sudden sound.

Hanako stills, eyes widening in sudden worry. "Uh-oh."

"What's wrong?" The tiny pinkette asks.

"The laundry I hung out to dry last night! I completely forgot about it!" Hanako cries, causing the other two girls to freeze.

"And that's why I prefer dryers." I deadpan. Clotheslines as nice, but sudden rain can fuck that all up.

Hanako wordlessly rushes past me and down the hall.

"This is bad." Hifumi says, worried, as she and Koharu rush after her.

"Hmm?" Azusa asks, eyes opening, before they settle on me. "Sensei?"

"Yo." I wave. "The girls left the clothes on the line outside and it's raining."

"Oh. That's bad." She blinks, standing up.

"You goin' to help?" I ask, earning a nod from the silverette.


After I finished up readying breakfast, the girls returned inside, completely soaked and carrying bundled up, sopping wet clothes.

"Take 'em to my room and throw them in the wash in the back." I say. "Then... Your best bet would be shower then change into somethin' else. You girls can use mine if you need to."

"Thank you, Sensei." Azusa nods as the four girls go down the hall.

"And when you're done, get ready to eat. I got it all ready." I call out.

A few minutes later, I heard them start to bicker in the other room. I didn't really try to listen in, so I just heard something about 'underwear'.

"Not a good way to start the day, huh?" Arona asks, popping up on the Shittim Chest.

"Yeah... I just pray it doesn't get any worse."

Then, at that very instant, fate decided to shit in my mouth and call it a day.

""Ah."" Arona and I both say as the power goes off.

"Ahh! What happened?!" I hear Koharu shriek.

"Goddamn storm." I groan, before reaching into the tablet and pulling out three LED lanterns. "And you said I wouldn't need these."

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