Chapter 3 - The Shittim Chest

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"Finally!" Yuuka exclaims in relief as we all stand in front of the Schale building.

"Indeed." Hasumi says with a nod.

"We've successfully reclaimed the Schale club room." Rin says, through the comms. "I'll be arriving shortly, let's meet in the basement of the building, Sensei."

"I'll be waitin', Rin." I say.

I turn around and look up. Damn this place is taller up close. I turn back to the girls. "You four stay here, keep a look out."

"Will do." Suzumi says.

"Be careful, Sensei." Chinatsu says. I nod and enter the building.


I walk through the darkened building, descending down the basement. Guess they cut the power.

Entering the basement, I see it's set up like a kind of lounge, complete with a sofa, tables and shelves. In the back of the room is a rock floating above a pedestal of sorts. The hell? I also notice, someone familiar staring at it, Wakamo.

"I don't see what the big deal is about this place." She complains to herself. "What am I even supposed to destroy?" Guess she likes blowing stuff up? Certainly not the weirdest hobby I've seen.

"Oh?" She says, turning her head towards me.

"Come here often, Kitsune?" I say, rhetorically, a smile on my face.

"Uh.." She tries to say something, but cuts herself off.

"Well I can't blame ya, this place is pretty cool, from what I've seen thus far." I continue.


"...?" I stare at her questioningly.

"..." But she remains silent. "Well..." She stammers out behind her mask. What's with her? "I, uh..." Okay, now I'm getting worried.

"You okay? Still upset about the throat punch?" I awkwardly ask, jokingly.

"N-No! Well, uh..." She stammers again before shouting "I WAS JUST LEAVING!" and sprinting away.

I stare at the door she ran through, confused as all hell. "What was that all about?" I ask myself.

A minutes later, Rin walks in. "Sorry to keep you waiting. I'm here now." She says, causing me to jump a bit. "Hmm? Did I miss something?"

"Eh, nothin' much." I shrug.

"If you insist. Well, here is what the General Student Council president left behind." She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a tablet. "Thankfully, there isn't a scratch on it." She walks to me. "Please, take it."

Slowly, I grab the tablet, confused as I inspect it. "The Prez left me a tablet?"

"Yes, this is what she left behind for you. The Shittim Chest." Shittim? The wood used for the Ark of the Covenant? And that names sounds... familiar. Why...?

"It may seem like a normal tablet, but it's origins are a complete mystery. Its manufacturer, OS, system structure and components are completely unknown." The dark haired explains. "The General Student Council president left the Shittim Chest to you. She said that you'll be able to take control of the tower with it. None of the other members know how to activate it. Perhaps you may be able to figure it out, Sensei, but if not..."

We both remain quiet for a moment. "My job here is done." Rin says. "I shall let you take the lead. I'll step away as to not interfere." She says as she begins to walk away.

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