Chapter 13 - Storm Brewing

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I walked to Abydos the next morning, clad in my usual suit. I saw Master Shiba walking the streets and decided to say hello.

"Yo, boss!" I called out.

"Huh? Well if it isn't Sensei!" He says with a laugh. "Heading over to the school again?"

"Yeah. Where are you off to?" I ask.

"Off to go scope out a new venue." He says.

"Venue? Is your store closing?" I ask, worried.

"Yeah. Got an eviction notice this morning." He says, sadly.

"Wait. I thought buildings in a district were owned by the school? I know the girls wouldn't kick you out."

"Well, a while back, Abydos sold off a bunch of buildings to pay off their debt. I'm not sure how many, but I'd wager the school doesn't actually own much of the district." He explains.

"What? But who did they sell to?" I ask.

"I don't remember the name exactly... It was something that starts with a 'k'." He says, trying to remember.

A 'k'... no...

"It wouldn't be... Kaiser, would it?" I ask slowly.

"Yeah, that's it." He says, causing horror to fill my body.

"Oh shit. That's bad."

"What is?" He asks, confused.

"Abydos owes its debt to Kaiser Loans. Recently, we found out that those goons that were attacking the school recently were being paid with the very same money the girls were using to pay off the debt." I explain, causing the dog man's eyes to widen in understanding.

"Seems like they're up to something."

"Yeah..." I trail off. "I gotta go tell the girls."

"You'd better hurry then, Sensei." He says.

I nod and begin to run, but I stop and turn back to him. "Oh, and boss?"

He turns back around. "Yeah?"

"If you're still gonna be in the ramen business, give me a call sometime. I'll help you get started back up again."

"Sensei, you don't have to do that." He says politely.

"Yes I do. Your ramen was damn good, and if I can help other people try it, then you bet I'm gonna do everything I can."

He laughs boisterously. "You're a good person, Sensei. Bye for now."

"Later!" I say, as we part ways.

I hope to have his ramen again, but for now, I've got a bigger problem to worry about.

Pulling out the Shittim Chest as I run, I call to my AI. "Arona."

"Yes, Sensei?" She asks, appearing on the screen.

"I need you to find out how much of Abydos is owned by the school and how much is owned by Kaiser."

"On it, Sensei!"


I make it to Abydos, somewhat winded. "Oh, Sensei. You're here already?" Ayane greets.

"Yeah, got something' you need to see." I say, linking the Chest to her laptop.

A map appears, confusing her. "What is... this?"

"A map of the Abydos district. The pink areas are owned by the the school, the yellow areas are owned by the Kaiser Corporation."

"Kaiser?!" Ayane shouts in horror. "But this... we barely own any of this district! Even parts of the school building are owned by them!"

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