Chapter 16 - Assault on Kaiser

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The next morning, I arrive in the Abydos' Foreclosure Task Force Club room, to see the girls getting loaded up. Instead of walking, I drove the armored truck I stole when we saved Serika.

"That should do it. We're ready." Shiroko says.

"Startin' the party without me?" I ask, entering the room with a smile.

"Sensei!" Nonomi chirps.

"You gals done packing?" I ask.

"Yup! We've got lots of supplies and snacks!" The blonde says, smiling.

"We're well-rested and working on full stomachs, too!" Serika says.

"I also collected all the old maps of the Abydos Desert and updated them." Ayane explains. "According to our intel, Hoshino is in the center of Kaiser PMC District 51."

I chuckle. "So she's in Area 51? Figures."

"Area 51?" The wolf girl asks.

"A hidden lab in the desert back home." I explain. "People theorize there's aliens and other weird stuff bein' held there."

"All right. I'll guide you all through the safest route." Ayane explains.

"...Sensei?" Shiroko asks hesitantly.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Why... did you get so angry at the CEO the other day?" She asks, causing my eyes to narrow.

"Y-Yeah, you got really mad." Serika admits. "I never thought you could get that mad."

"It was kinda scary." Nonomi admits. "You even scared the CEO guy!"

Unconsciously, I let out a sigh. This is what I wanted to avoid most.

"Sensei." Shiroko puts her hand on my shoulders. "You don't have to tell us if you don't want to."

"No, I..." I sit down. "I've only known you girls for a few days, but you all have come to trust me, and... I suppose you've earned my trust too. So... I'll tell you. Just a summary though, it's kind of a long story."

The girls stare intently, eager to listen to my story.

"Well, the reason I was so pissed was because he betrayed Hoshino. Now, where to begin...?" I say, sighing. "I was born an orphan, in a really shit neighborhood. Got into lost of fights back then." The girls' eyes soften. "Didn't have any friends, either. Was seen as either scary, or just a weirdo. At least until I was... twelve, I think. That's when I met Jane Simmons, a girl that'd end up bein' my best friend. Two years later, I met my other soon-to-be best friend, Rickert Galveston. Ricky we called him.

The area I lived in was a massive city, with a massive crime rate and lawless area. The police only cared about the high-end parts of the city, you see. I got into good schools due to my grades, so I got away from all of that in middle school. Or rather, I tried to, as I was constantly having guys try to fight me. It was just a part of my life, I suppose.

When I was fifteen, Jane and I started dating. We'd been friends for years, and this just seemed kinda... natural. Ricky, despite being the son of the richest man in the world, was a damn good friend to me and Jane. He never flaunted his money or screwed people over. He was a nice guy, even helped patch me up after fights, along with Jane."

"They sound like good friends!" Nonomi says, happily.

Hey Josh, let's go hang out!

"You'd think that, huh...?" I say, running my hand through my hair. "Anyway, Ricky and I stayed friends, and Jane and I kept dating throughout high school. Everything was good, until I got into a fight when I was nineteen, a month or so after graduating. These guys weren't normal thugs, they were organized. They were sent after me, specifically."

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