Chapter 48 - Finishing Touches

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And so, my Schale paperwork got put to the side as I helped the Game Development Department make their new game. We planned to use every last bit of the next week to make the game.

The five of us quickly fell into a routine: wake up, eat, work, eat, work, sleep, repeat. Aris stuck with a different routine, eating and sleeping less than us to conserve time.

The plan continued like this for a few days, until I had an idea.


It's been two days of non-stop working on this game...

The twins and Aris all stare at various computer screens, their fingers typing away. Yuzu sits on a bean bag chair, typing faster than any of us on her laptop.

My fingers hurt every now and again, but I ignore the pain and push onwards. I'm used to doing that on a larger scale, so this is nothing.
Even with the five of us, we might not make it. Dammit, if only we had another person, at least.

Another... person...

"I have an idea." I say out loud.

"Sensei?" Midori asks as she and the others look up from their work.

Not replying, I simply pull out the Shittim Chest from my blazer, its screen flickering to life a moment later as Arona and her classroom appears. "Arona." I call out.

The AI girl is sound asleep on a desk, as usual. "Arona." I repeat, poking her cheek through the screen.

"Huh...? Wha? Oh! Sensei!" The short AI girl says as she recognizes me quickly, even though I just roused her from sleep.

"Remember the stuff I told you I'm workin' on?" I ask.

"That game, right?" Arona asks, making sure.

"Yeah. Think you could help us with it?" I ask my AI pal.

"Sure! Just tell me how to help!" Arona says.

"Who's that?" The green twin asks, peeking over my shoulder.

"Whoa! She's cute!" The pink twin adds, peeking over my other shoulder.

"This here is Arona." I say, holding my hand out to the tablet's screen.

"Hello!" Arona says with a cute smile and a wave.

"Long story short she's an AI that's the OS of this here tablet. I was thinkin' she could help us out with the game. Twelve hands are better than ten, right?" I offer with a smirk.

"A-An AI?" The redhead gamer asks, shyly, peeking over as well. "L-Like Aris?"

"Hm?" Aris hums questioningly, peeking over from the other side.

"Kinda?" I ask. "She doesn't have a body, and even then, I don't think Aris classifies as an AI, since I don't think she'd work without a body."

"Heh? So she's stuck in there?" Momoi asks.

"Kinda. I can move between electronics via Wi-Fi and such." Arona explains. "Though it's nice to meet more of Sensei's students!"

"Same. I'm Midori." Midori says with a smile and a nod.

"And I'm Momoi." Momoi says, boisterously.

"I'm Yuzu, it's nice to meet you, Arona." Yuzu says, shyly as usual.

"Aris is Aris." Aris says with a smile. "Pleased to meet you, fellow cyber warrior."

"Eh? Er, you... too?" Arona asks, confused by Aris' manner of speech.

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