Chapter 99 - Student's Heart 9: Tsurugi & Azusa / Trinity Summer 1: Epilogue

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As expected, the thugs were wiped out handedly by our little group. They shouted 'We'll get you for this!' as they ran. I don't even have the energy to be bothered about this anymore.

"Thank you for coming to my rescue, everyone! You really saved me!" Izumi smiles. "The restaurant is still standing thanks to you."

"Don't mention it- this is what the Justice Task Force does. I'm glad we could help." Mashiro smiles proudly.

"Yep! Thank goodness for that!" The Gehenna student smiles. "This doesn't really make it up to you, but here. Have a drink on me, everyone!" She says, happily bringing out a bunch of drinks. "It's totally on the house as my way of saying thanks."

"We weren't expecting anything in return, but if you insist." Azusa shrugs.

"I don't trust this." Koharu grimaces, eyeing the concoction. Did it just bubble a bit?

"What is this, anyway?" Mashiro inquires. "Juice? The color looks quite exotic."

"Trust me- it's good. Try to figure it out from the flavor." Izumi smiles, grabbing a drink of her own. "Hehe! To the restaurant's safety! Cheers!"

"Cheers!" Hifumi, Azusa, Mashiro, and Tsurugi all say, before taking a sip. The others, as well as myself, stay quiet, hoping we won't have to touch the thing. Hanako in particular looks worried for her friends.

Three seconds later, four of the five girls who consumed what was actually the Chocolate Sea Cucumber Juice immediately threw it up all over the sand, much to our disgust and Izumi's confusion as she continued to happily drink hers.

"Ew, gross!" Koharu cried as Hanako and Hasumi grimaced. Arona pushed her 'juice' away from her and I merely dumped mine onto the ground.

This is why I trust my instincts.


After those four recovered from their VIOLENT nausea, Hifumi was all too happy to move on- after I gave them some toothbrushes and toothpaste from the Shittim Chest's storage.

"Now, we can move on to 'smashing watermelons'!" The blonde smiles. "Actually, I forgot to buy watermelons before we came."

"Way ahead of you." I smile, gesturing towards Arona, who's holding a rather large one.

"Izumi sold us one for cheap!" The small AI smiles, before blinking as Tsurugi comes over and eyes it curiously. Arona smiles again, offering the JTF president to hold it. Tsurugi blinks in surprise, before getting shy from Arona's smile. She gingerly takes the green melon from the smaller girl, looking at in with awe.

"Can we be sure this is a normal watermelon? Who's to say it isn't a bomb?" Azusa asks, eyes narrow.

"I doubt it, Azusa." Hasumi says, sweatdropping.

"Yeah, this is the one we're going to split." Hifumi says.

"That shouldn't be a problem, then. I'm quite skilled at bomb defusion." The silverette says.

"How does that carry over to splitting watermelons?" Koharu asks.

"Watermelon splitting is a beach tradition." Mashiro says. "Did anyone bring a stick?"

"Hmm?" Azusa blinks in confusion.

"We need something hard to split the watermelon with: a stick, a bat, a wooden sword... Something like that." The short blackette explains.

"Now that you mention it, I forgot to bring that too..." The blonde admits.

Azusa nods, smiling, as she quickly and without mercy shoots the poor watermelon in Tsurugi's hands. I think she misunderstood.

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