Chapter 38 - Down Time XII

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The day after meeting Shun and quite a few others, I woke up and groggily began to work. Said work just so happened to be interrupted by a text from Shiroko.


I saw a fennec fox on the way to school today.

Oh? That's surprising.

Yes. I've seen it around lately.

Yesterday morning, I saw something like a meteor shower.

I see a lot of different things when I run.

I really enjoy it.

Sounds like it.

I probably can't keep up with your full runs, but I'll be cheering you on.


I'm not used to having anyone cheering for me.


Thank you, Sensei.

Sitting down the phone with a smile on my face, I make a quick decision.

I think I'll do something nice for that wolf girl.
Before I can do anything, I get another text.

"Oh. Nodoka?" I say, surprised by the text.

Do you believe in horoscopes, Sensei?

Not at all. I hate future telling stuff.

I really despise that shit. 'Oh, you're going to have a great day tomorrow!', then the next day is filled with just as much death and pain as the last.

...The last five years really fucked with me, huh...?

Really? Then let's check the daily horoscope reading in the paper! The horoscopes have never been wrong!

I'm not gonna stop you.

According to my horoscope, I have money coming my way!

I haven't gotten a horoscope like this since I joined the Spec Ops...

I can't wait!

Good luck to you, then.

Thanks, Sensei.

Oh, while you're here, did Cherino get y'all back to the main school?

She told us that she's working on it, but...

Like I said, good luck to you.

I hope that loli keeps her promises. Ivan Kupala's still a week or two away, so I'll check back on her then.

I then got yet another text from Tsurugi.

Sensei, what is sweet romance?

I read all about it in magazines and novels, but it doesn't seem realistic at all.


I'm sorry, I shouldn't have sent that.

What brought this on?

Strangely, she didn't respond.



After getting some work done, I grabbed a little something from the store and headed to Abydos. No-one was around, so I waited for Shiroko to show, seeing as how her usual exercise route has her come back about this time of day.

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