Chapter 102 - Down Time XXIX

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The next morning, Yuuka and I woke up to screaming again. Why...?

"Mmmm..." The purplette groans, sitting up. "Dammit, Koyuki." She says with gritted teeth and narrowed eyes.

"Muh." I grumble, getting up. "Lemme go check on her."

Okay, what is that idiot shouting about this time? At least it's morning and not the middle of the damn night.

Quickly, slipping on some clothes, I walk downstairs briskly. Once at the dining room, I find Koyuki on the ground, terrified with tears prickling at her eyes. What's got her so scared? It's Wakamo, standing over her with a red and black aura around her. Did Koyuki make her angry or something?

"What are you two doing?" I ask, a touch annoyed.

"Ah, don't mind me, Anata-sama. I was merely catching a sneaky rat." My masked girlfriend says. I can hear the grin behind her kitsune mask.

"A-And I told you! Se-Se-Sensei let me stay the night!" The pinkette argues, stuttering in fear.

Sighing, I grumble out the words, "Girls. No fighting in the building." I then turn to Wakamo. "And no threatening guests. This is a SAFE place."

The fox's posture relaxes, "Very well."

Koyuki sighs loudly in relief as she stands up shakily. "Well, now that I'm fine... I'MGOINGBACKTOMILLENNIUM,BYE!" She shouts out as she runs away as fast as her legs can carry her, breaking into a sprint as soon as she's standing upright.

...I think I see why C-and-C had so much trouble catching her. I don't think she tan that fast from Neru back on the boat.

I turn around as I hear a yawn, courtesy of Yuuka stepping down the stairs. "Was that Koyuki again?" She asks.

"She just ran off. Seems she found someone scarier than Neru." I joke.

"I doubt that's possi-" The purplette begins to argue, only to stop as her eyes land on Wakamo. "Never mind."

"So it seems you WERE that Yuuka." The blackette hums. "Part of me thought you were a different girl in our little group chat."

"And a part of me hoped you were a different Fox of Calamity." Yuuka snarks in deadpan. She then sighs, "I guess it doesn't matter. If Josh is close with you to the point of dating, you can't be all bad..."

Wakamo tilts her head at the sort-of compliment. I'm just glad she seems to be giving the fox the benefit of doubt.

"Just don't hurt him or cause him any problems, and we won't have any trouble." The treasurer finishes.

"You don't have to worry about that. I would NEVER cause my love any problems. Not ever." The blackette says, wholly resolute.

Yukka's eyes bore into the eyes of the kitsune mask for a long while. After a moment, she finds what she's looking for, nodding with a small huff.

I too exhale, letting out a small breath I didn't know I was holding. Wakamo is certainly the most... controversial addition to this harem of mine. Admittedly, I was pretty worried about her interacting with the others, knowing of how distrustful she is of people that aren't me.

Hoshino seems to be accepting of her, from what I saw of the two before my date with Wakamo. I dunno about Shiroko, given they didn't interact much, but I'm glad Yuuka seems to be neutral... kinda. I've checked in on the group chat a few times and while Wakamo doesn't talk much, she doesn't seem to have much problems in the way of animosity.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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