Chapter 52 - Day at Abydos

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I had nothing to do for an entire day. Hoshino and I agreed to hang out at Abydos the day after tomorrow, but as for today...

Guess I'll just get some work do-


Oh, thank God, it's a text.

Huh, it's from Serika. What a coincidence.

Another part-time job confirmed! Are you coming, Sensei?

Depends. When and where?

Now! The park!

Really short notice, Serika.

But I'm not busy today, so why not?

Guess I've got plans.


After a bit, I arrived at the park to find Serika waiting on me, sitting on a bench.

"Yo, Serika!" I call out.

"There you are, Sensei." The cat girl says, standing up.

"So, what's on the agenda today?" I ask.

"Our task for today is pulling weeds in the park!" She explains happily.

"Out of all the difficult tasks..." I curse.

"I know it'll be hard, but it pays well." She defends.

"Oh, I know it'll be hard. I got roped into doing this once when I was a kid." I pause to sigh. "Oh well, what've we got to cover?"

"We need to focus on that patch-" She says, pointing at a big area, covered in weeds. "-, and the one over there." She says, pointing at another, even bigger area.

"Fuck..." I mutter.

"That part especially is super overgrown, so the weeds will grow back quickly if they aren't uprooted." She continues, not hearing me. "It always feels like for every weed we pull, two more pop up in it's place." She complains.

"Don't I know it." I say, not looking forward to this.

"This reminds me of that old tale with the guy endlessly rolling a boulder up a hill." She says.

"Oh, I know that one." I say.

"If only we had some professional gardening equipment." She complains, looking at two pairs of gloves and a small sickle on the ground.

"We'll manage." I say, cracking my knuckles.

"Here goes nothing, then." She says, grabbing the gloves and tossing me a pair. "Let's get to work!"


Serika's cheerful and optimistic attitude quickly disappeared as our job seemed to drag in endlessly. Just as she said, when we plucked one, two more popped up.

The weeds are worse than the hydra, if anything.

Despite the problems, we finished pulling the weeds just before sunset.

"All done! This should be okay." She says, putting up an energetic front. The both of us are covered in sweat and dirt, our hands are sore and my back hurts. "You did a pretty good job. I guess you're used to manual labor, huh?"

"Yup. Doesn't mean I have to like it, though." I complain, rubbing my back. "Fuck, I'm gonna sleep like a baby tonight."

"Yeah..." She agrees, rubbing her back as well. "This job is nice because I can do it after school... but the pay isn't very competitive."

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