Chapter 22 - A Ninja's Dream

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It's gotten late in the evening, but we've all gathered in the Momoyodou shop for a strategy meeting. I, the Momoyodou girls, the Inner Discipline Club and Izuna all sit around, speaking with one another.

"Izuna knows exactly where her client is!" The ninja girl says. "But, there are still a lot of Mouryo working for him there."

"How many?" I ask.

"...At least a hundred." Izuna says, sadly.

"A hundred?!" Shizuko shouts.

"Eh, I've faced worse. More importantly, how long do we have?" I ask.

"The finale of the festival is scheduled for tomorrow." The idol says.

"Oh, yeah! It is!" Kaede pipes up. "There are gonna be fireworks, right? Using holograms! Woosh, bang, boom!" She exclaims, waving her arms around.

"You better believe it. We put together a big fireworks show using cutting edge technology to close the Cherry Blossom Festival." Shizuko says proudly.

"The Muryuo have another thing coming if they plan on interfering with it." Tsubaki says, upset.

"Yeah, but if we don't manage to stop them before then, the Festival Operations Department will..." The brunette idol trails off sadly, unable to finish her sentence.

"Shizuko..." Mimori says, sadly.

"Sorry. Be gone, negative thoughts!" The idol shouts. "We'll just have to find the culprit ASAP so I can take my frustrations out on the stupid jerk!"

"Okay, enough of that. How about we all go get something to eat, then rest for our operation tomorrow?" I ask, standing up.

"That's a great idea, Sensei!" Kaede says.

"Ooh! Izuna could go for some ramen right now!" The ninja adds.

Shizuko sighs. "I don't see why not."


Unfortunately, our dinner plans are inerrupted. As we hear a child crying. "Mommy! Daddy! Where are you?!"

Mimori walks over to her. "My, my. Are you lost little lady?"

"Now it's our turn!" Kaede says. "Tsubaki! This is a job for the Inner Discipline Club!"

"Sure, let's do it..." She says, sleepy as usual.

"Sorry about this! We'll meet up back at Momoyodou tomorrow morning!" Kaede shouts, as they leave.

"H-Huh! W-Wait...!" Shizuko calls out, before a robot man appears and runs to Shizuko.

"Oh, Shizuko! We've been looking for you! It's about the fireworks tomorrow. There's something we need to consult with you about." He says.

"Huh? Does it have to be right now?" The idol asks. "Wait." She slaps her cheeks. "I'm the Festival Operations Department's president, so I can't ignore this. I'll have to go."

"Good luck, Shizuko." I say, as she and the robot man leave.

"How 'bout that? Everyone is so busy all of a sudden!" Pina says, surprised.

"There's still a lot to do, I suppose. Even without the Mouryo." I say, shrugging.

"That's a good point, Boss! You're absolutely right." The blonde says happily. "The Festival Operations Department would have its hands full managing the festival even if it wasn't for the Mouryo! But instead, everyone is going through hard times right now. It makes me feel so..." She says, sadly. I notice Izuna's ears have flopped down. "No, what am I saying?!" Pina suddenly shouts. "I need to snap out of it! I can't be feeling down when I'm with you, Boss! Ooh, this is just like that one scene from Loyal Cat's Fist!"

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