Chapter 35 - HOLY GRAIL

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The day after Rin's announcement of Sensei's disappearance, a group of students gather around a group of heavily armed helicopters on a helipad on a roof near the General Student Council building.

These students all have made a resolute decision.

They're going to save their Sensei.

He has made an impression on each and every one of them, thus they will repay his kindness.
Rin, the black haired GSC member, walks to a specific helicopter. Around it are three girls from the Engineering Department of Millennium, welding a large harpoon gun to the helicopter, having removed the large doors on the side.

"How is it?" Rin asks.

"We're almost done welding the gun to the helicopter." The dog girl, Hibiki reports.

"We should be done in a few minutes." The purple haired girl, Utaha says.

"And you are absolutely certain this will work?" The elven girl asks.

"Of course." The blonde haired girl, Kotori says, waving off her concerns.

"Are you certain?" Rin asks with narrowed eyes. "I am aware of you three girls... proclivities in regards to making changes to technology you've been commissioned."

The three Engineering Department girls shift nervously. "Not this time." Kotori begins, losing all jesting tone. "We can easily see how important this Sensei guy is to you and a bunch of other people, so we've made exactly what you asked of us. No unnecesary changes or additions. Just a harpoon gun, a harpoon with a bomb strapped to it and a remote to detonate it."

"And the remote will work?" Rin asks.

"It will cause the bomb to explode within the hundredth of a second after pressing the button." Hibiki confirms.

"...Excellent. Good work." Rin says with a small smile, before walking off.

"Haah... She's scary..." Kotori whines, letting out a breath she likely didn't know she was holding.

"Let's just finish this, Kotori." Utaha says with a small chuckle.

"Oh, all right." Kotori says with a smile, as the trio return to work.


A short, pink-haired girl wrapped in various bandages walks through the hallways of the GSC building. Her steps are light, yet focused, the pain of her injuries having dulled significantly. Not just from the painkillers and the treatment of Trinity's own Remedial Knights, but also from her own history of fighting while injured.

This is one thing she and her Sensei have in common, their immense pain resistance, which isn't natural. It's a byproduct of a torturous past, one filled with pain and grief.

Her classmates told her of what their Sensei told them. Of his former lover, of his friend who betrayed him. She doesn't know what happened after, but it clearly was more than enough to harden the man.

A man... she has grown to care for a great deal.

"Hoshino." A quiet voice calls out. The pink haired girl turns to it's origin.

"Hina." She says, looking at her new... friend(?) who is standing next to a corner in the large hallway.

"Are you okay, Hoshino?" The white haired prefect asks.

"Of course. I've been through worse." The heterochromatic girl waves off the other's concerns with a smile. "Plus, they've got me hopped up on pain killers, so I can't feel a thing."

Blue Archive - Story of Joshua SenseiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora