Chapter 96 - Down Time XXV

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No matter how much time passes, nightmares still plague me, especially when I sleep alone. It's really fucking annoying, but since they usually happen around sunrise, the only problem that comes from them is waking up early since I can't fall back asleep.

That's the reason why I'm taking a stroll through the city despite the sun not even being visible yet, the sky a strange but calming blue-purple. I don't even particularly care where I'm headed, just going any which-way.


I blink, pausing my stroll as I turn and see Hasumi standing there. Huh, is the park I'm in at Trinity?

"Hasumi, hello." I smile.

"I didn't expect to see you here." The blackette smiles.

"Neither did I. I was just walking around. Are, uh... we in Trinity right now?" I ask.

Hasumi giggles at my question. "Yes, this park is on the edge of Trinity's district."

"Good to know." I walked pretty far, huh? "Anyway, what're you doin' here?"

"Probably the same as you." She smiles. "I wanted to make time to stop by the park... before getting around to today's club activities. What a pleasant surprise that I ran into you here."

"Somethin' got you stressed?" I ask, concerned.

"No, nothing in particular. I just needed some time for myself." She deflects. Guess the Treaty's still keeping everyone busy. How much longer was it, a few weeks? "This is the perfect time of day to be alone in the park. I can look up at the sky without a care in the world... and watch as the sky turns purple with the rising sun."

"Yeah, it's really pretty this time of day." I nod.

She smiles. "The sky is this color for only a few minutes each day. You have to savor it. I've never been much in the way of a conversationalist... but a sight like this speaks for itself, doesn't it?"

"Yeah." I agree.

"...I must sound like a whimsical old woman right now, don't I?" She asks, half-chuckling.

"Nah." She sounds nothing like Hoshino.

"Pardon me. It's a bad habit of mine." She says. "Brief though it may be, I'd like to share it with you."

I smile. "I can sit for a little while."


After spending time with Hasumi for a little while, I decided to continue my walk. A bit later, I got a slightly worrying text from Hifumi.

Why are there so many people suffering in the world? I wish I knew a way to make everyone happy...

It always pains me that I can't do anything to help them.

Where's this coming from? You worried about something?

No, it's nothing...

...Well, I'm in the area, I suppose I should go and check on her... And maybe Mika too. That idiot had better let me in.


She didn't let me in. I'm gonna come in anyways next time, I fucking swear. As I turn a corner in the hallways of Trinity, I jolt, nearly running into someone.

"Oh, Mashiro. Sorry 'bout that." I quickly apologize.

"Oh, Sensei. It's fine. It's good to see you again." The sniper smiles.

"Same." I nod, before noticing what she's carrying. "Whatcha got a sewing kit for?"

"Ah, well I tore my skirt on a mission earlier. I borrowed this from Hasumi so I could stitch it up." She explains.

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