Chapter 34 - Sensei Rescue Mission

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Within the General Student Council building, a rather sizable group of students has been amassed within an auditorium.

Gathered here are students from a few different schools. Gehenna, Trinity, Milennium, Hyakkiyako, and even Abydos.

At the podium, positioned at the front of the room, on a stage above the floor, the elven member of the GSC, Rin, addresses the gathered students by speaking into the microphone. Momoka, the pink haired GSC member stands beside her, munching of chips, as usual.

Rin clears her throat, as she begins to speak. "Thank you all for taking time out of your schedules to be here today. I'm sure you all are wondering why I've called you all here. The answer is simple, you all have befriended or assisted Joshua Sensei in one manner or another." Rin pauses for a moment, letting out a sigh, before continuing to speak, biting the bullet. "I've gathered you all here for a simple reason. As of yesterday, we have lost track of the current whereabouts of Joshua Sensei."

Many gasps fill the area, accompanied by faces filled with shock.

"Sensei...?" Iori, the brown-skinned girl of the Prefect Team, mutters to herself in shock.

"Aruji-dono...?" Izuna, the self-proclaimed ninja of Hyakkiyako, mutters in disbelief.

"Two days ago, at roughly fourteen-hundred hours, Sensei and four of the five students currently attending Abydos High School, went into the desert outside of Abydos to investigate a cluster of small bases, abandoned by Kaiser PMC after they were ousted, so to speak." Rin explains. "After retrieving the objects of their investigation, they were attacked by a strange creature roaming the desert. It had been known only by reports stolen from Kaiser's former lab in the center of the desert. It's known only as Binah." Rin looks down at her colleague and nods.

Momoka pulls a remote from her pocket and presses the button, causing a screen to come alive, showing Binah. "After this creature attacked, the Abydos students managed to survive its onslaught until our helo arrives, but Sensei was lost in the sandstorm caused by the creature."

"Sandstorm?" Hina, the white haired leader of the Prefect Team asks.

"Indeed. From the documents the Abydos girls brought back, we know much of the creatures offensive and defensive capabilities. However, while the documents mentioned it's ability to swim through sand, it never mentioned that it could conjure up massive sandstorms." Rin continues.

"What is this... thing capable of?" Yuuka, the treasurer of the Millenium Student Council asks.

"Oh, that's simple." Momoka speaks up between bites. "It's pretty much indestructible, can fire off big rounds from its mouth that are... how big were they again?" She asks her elven colleague.

"Thirty millimeters." Rin confirms, causing eyes to widen in the crowd once more.

"Right, thirty millimeter rounds from the mouth, it's got missile silos on its back and can fire two big lasers from its mouth. Plus-" Momoka stops to pop a chip into her mouth. "-it can make sandstorms, apparently."

Rin narrows her blue eyes at her colleague's lackadaisical attitude. "As Momoka said, it can fire large lasers from its mouth. It's smaller one requires less time to charge, yet the creature has complete control over it. The second laser takes longer to charge and is larger, but the creature cannot move its head in any other way other than vertical while firing. The first laser can melt metal and the second can disintegrate most anything."

More shock in the crowd ensues.

"But... how do we know Sensei is all right?" Hifumi, a simple girl from Trinity asks.

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