Chapter 21 - In Need of Assistance

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"So, where to first?" I ask Shizuko, as the three of us walk outside the tea shop.

"Whenever things begin to hit the fan at Hyakkiyako, like now, there are two main places where we can turn for help." Shizuko begins. "First is the Yin-Yang club, which is more or less the academy's student council. And the other is the Hyakkayouran Resolution Council."

"But I heard that Hyakkayouran is currently on hiatus!" Pina adds.

"Yep. Pina's right about that. That would leave only the Yin-Yang Club... at first glance." The brunette idol says, crptically.

"At first glance?" I ask, eyebrow raised.

"About that..." She says nervously darting her eyes around, avoiding mine. "You'll see what I mean later! Let's be off for now, Sensei." She then turns to the blonde. "I'm leaving Momoyodou in your care while I'm gone, Pina."

"You got it!" Pina says enthusiastically. "I won't let anyone encroach on OUR turf!"

"All right, then. Before I go, answer me one question." The idol begins.

"Hit me."

"Let's say the Mouryo come here while Sensei and I are gone. What will you do if they come knocking on the door and say, 'Excuse me, may I have some water?'?" Shizuko asks the taller girl.

"A gangster with a sense of justice would never ignore someone in need! I would help them!" She says, causing me to facepalm.

"NO! Wrong answer!" The idol shouts, before sighing. "What am I going to do with you? Maybe I shouldn't leave the store like this..."

"You worry too much, President! I've got this!" Pina says, trying to reassure the idol.

And so, the two of us left Momoyodou in Pina's care while we walked to the Yin-Yang Club.


A bit later, we arrived at an impressive-looking building. A masterpiece of Japanese architecture.

"This is one of the most important sites at the Allied Hyakkiyako Academy." Shizuko says seriously.

"I can see that. It's very impressive." I say, admiring the building.

"The Yin-Yang Club should be inside." She says, before groaning. "My stomach is always in knots when I come here."

"It'll be alright, just relax and focus on what we need to do." I reassure.

"That's why I'm worried. The Yin-Yang Club isn't very cooperative, and they rarely agree to help." She explains. "Truth be told, this request would be better for Hyakkayouran. The Yin-Yang Club claims that they exist to keep the balance at Hyakkiyako, so there's no guarantee they'll cooperate. They'll smirk and say, 'We don't have the authority.'." Or at least that's what their smug president always says!"

"Seems like they really annoy you." I observe.

"You don't know the half of it!" She continues to rant. "Not to mention, they have a rule about official matters always needing to be addressed in writing first. Give me a break! Who has time for that when the festival is underway?! My old nemesis, red tape! Always with the red tape!"

"Believe me, I know your pain..." I say, agreeing with her.

She awkwardly chuckles. "But that's enough complaining for now. We have our ways of getting them to cooperate." She says, before smugly smirking. "And this time, we have you and Schale on our side, Sensei. The Yin-Yang Club president will have to listen to us so long as you're here." She then makes an evil grin. "This time, I'll have the upper hand on that smug little piece of work." She says, followed by smug chuckling. She then catches herself. "U-Uh, I mean... I sure hope she'll hear us out!" She says, awkwardly chuckling.

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