Chapter 18 - Down Time V

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The day after checking up on the Abydos girls, Momoka sends me a commission. Seeing it's pretty easy, I could do it by myself, but I asked Aru if she wanted to help and split the profits. Fortunately, the commission wasn't interrupting me, too much.

I've been poring over documents from the Gematria lab. I returned there the day after we raided it to save Hoshino, without telling anyone, save Arona. I got some pretty juicy info. Not about Gematria, mind you, but about Kaiser and their dealings, as well as more info on Mystics. I allowed Rin to take a look at them, naturally. One paper did catch my eye, though...

They were researching something called Binah.
It appears to be a mechanical snake-whale thing out in the desert of Abydos. What this their 'treasure'? It's black with gold light emanating from it, and is covered in white plates. It should be noted that it has a halo.

Binah... the third Sephirot on the Tree of Kabbalah, the Tree of Life. The Sephirot located in the left part of the brain, linked to understanding and the archangel Tzaphkiel, also written as Zafkiel. Is there some connection?

It appears to be able to burrow through sand and fire a laser from it's mouth, capable of utter disintegration. Could this thing be why the sandstorms in Abydos got so wild back in the day?

Too many 'what-if's. Surprisingly, Rin knew of Binah, as well as a few other 'prophets', which don't have names. Though, they're probably named after other Sephirots.

Pushing all of that aside for now, I decide to go on that commission with Aru.

Fortunately, it was quite easy and not worth describing at all. We went, we did out job, we went back home. Simple.

When I got home, Mutsuki texted me.

I'm bored! Sensei, what are you doing right now?

Just got back from a job, about to continue working. What's up?

Yeah? Hmm, okay. Then I guess I shouldn't interrupt you.

All right! Work hard, Sensei!

Hmm... wonder what she's up to...


My question is answered as Mutsuki runs into my office a few minutes later, shouting "I'm here!"

"Oh, Mutsuki." I say, swiveling my chair around to face her.

"So, Sensei, what do you want to do today?" She asks, grinning, while walking up to me.

"You just came to hang out, huh?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

"Of course not!" She denies. "I came to stand by my hardworking sensei, and help out as best I can! And what better way to help than by keeping you loose?"

"Loose?" I ask, slightly concerned.

"Yup! Let's play together, Sensei!" She says, moving closer to my face.

"Sorry, dummy." I flick her on the nose, causing her to reel back. "I've got too much crap to do to play."

"Don't worry. I can wait." She says, with a sense of finality.

"You sure?" I raise an eyebrow.

She nods and plops down on the couch. "I'll just stay here and behave myself until your work is done. How does that sound?"

I let out a small sigh. "If you say so."

"Thanks, Sensei!" She says, smiling once more.
I got back to work, doing more paperwork and the like, as Mutsuki and Arona conversed behind me. Their familiarity with each other caused me to pause, until I remember that my AI assistant was the one who guided Problem Solver to my gym a while back.

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