Chapter 29 - Gathering Allies

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After what feels like an eternity, we escape the cold and enter the Red Winter library. We never escaped the cold, even at the Spec Ops girls' hideout, so this is hella nice.

It's not massive, but there are a large amount of shelves, plus the building is quite large. Fortunately, the hill the building is on wasn't a problem, as we took a longer, albeit less steep route.

I enter first to 'scope out' the place while the other two stick behind me.

As I enter, I see a small girl sat behind the main desk, talking to herself while holding a book.

She has green hair with two long bangs framing her face, which end at her waist, it also allows me to see that the inside of her hair is purple. How's that work? Her eyes are a pale green. She wears a massive, white coat that ends near her ankles, its hood pulled over her head, hiding most of her hair. The hood also has two small shapes, resembling bear ears. She wears large, brown shoes and has on black leggings, from what I can see. Her hands are covered in large, white gloves. Next to her is a bright white rocket launcher with a small, white bear shape on the front and the Red Winter logo on the back. Her halo is a blue gear shape, but is much more filled in that other gear-shaped halos I've seen thus far.

"I finally got it!" She says, happily. "The new Sharl x Rei fan book from Luriel! I'd almost given up because it only had a limited release at Trinity, but I scored big time! I wonder what steamy passions await me in this issue?" She asks herself with anticipation. "I'm going to stay in the library and read this all weekend!"

"Sounds fun." I say.

"WAH?!" She shouts, fumbling with the book, before whirling around to see me. "Some guy and... P-President Cherino?!"

"Oh, I'm Joshua, a teacher from Schale." I say politely.

"Well, I'm Akiizumi Momiji. But, wait... H-How long have you been standing there?" She asks, hesitantly.

"A while." Cherino says.

"Since you started talkin' about that fan book." I say, causing the bear-themed girl to deflate.

"Then you heard everything!" She shouts, cutely.

"Oh, don't be like that. You made me curious about it, actually." I say.

"Really?!" She shouts, before clearing her throat and composing herself. "D-Do you have business with the Knowledge Liberation Front?"

"I'm glad you asked!" The white haired girl says. "I'm here because-"

"Don't even say it!" Momiji shouts, pointing at the other short girl. "You're here to confiscate our precious books again, aren't you?"

"W-Wait, I think you have the wrong idea-" Cherino tries to speak.

"Please don't take this one! I haven't even gotten the chance to read it yet!" The green haired girl pleads, holding the book to her chest.

"Hey, come on now. I'm only here to-" The white haired girl tries to speak again.

"No! Please, let me read it at least three times..." Momiji begs. "Actually, ten times! This was really hard for me to get my hands on.

"Oh my gosh, shut up and listen!" Cherino roars, causing the bear girl to backpedal. "I don't care about your stupid books."

"...Huh?" Momiji looks confused. "Then what did you come all the way out to the library for?"

"It should be obvious, the library's true purpose..." Cherino begins.

"Oh, for fuck's sake! She's wants to take a nap!" I snap, getting annoyed. "This comedy routine needs to stop..." I say, massaging my head with my hand.

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