Chapter 9 - Problem Solver's Attack

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After that nice lunch break and the end of Serika's shift, the six of us returned to Abydos. I sat around, digesting my food, while helping them with paperwork and the like.

Ayane, lookng on her laptop interrupts the peace as she alerts us. "Everyone! I'm reading a large armed group fifteen kilometers south of the campus!"

"Coming this way?" I ask, standing quickly.

"Right for us." Ayane says, typing quickly.

"Is it the Helmet Gang again?" Shiroko asks.

"Couldn't be, unless that have a bunch more of those hideouts, stocked with lots of ammo." I point out.

"Sensei's right, it's not them. They look like... mercenaries?! Someone must have hired them to attack!" Ayane concludes.

"Like the ones that hired the Helmet Gang?" I conclude, drawing five wide sets of eyes to me. "I had a feeling they were hyper-focused on you guys. When we beat 'em back, whoever hired them, probably hired these guys to take over from them."

"Looks like we had the same idea, Sensei." Hoshino says, her sharpness coming to light once more. "Haah, what a mess." She looks at the laptop. "Geez, that's a lot. What'd they do, pick them up from the Thugs Depot at the crack of dawn? It must have cost a fortune to hire this many."

"We can't allow them to get any closer!" Ayane shouts.

"Agreed." I say. "Get ready, girls." I say, holstering my pistol and grabbing a spare assault rifle.

After the last fight, when we rescued Serika, I realized most girls around here stick to a single, or paired guns. Fuck that. I'm not gonna bring a gun, I'm bringing the fuckin' armory!


"I've got eyes on a squad leading those goons up ahead!" Ayane tells us over the comms, as we near our enemies, far away from the school. Soon, they come into sight and... guess my assessment of them was correct. They're fixers.

"Wait." Nonomi draws our attention. "Aren't those the girls we met at the ramen shop."

"U-Ugh..." Indeed, right there's Aru, who's letting out a groan. The four girls are standing in front of a veritable horde of goons.

"You guys are the ones attacking us?! After Sensei paid for your ramen?! You ungrateful pricks!" Serika shouts. Good lord, she's pissed.
Mutsuki giggles. "I really did appreciate that, but it doesn't matter. This is business, not personal."

"Agreed. It's regrettable, but business is business. We have to uphold our contract." Kayoko agrees.

A memory flashes as she says that...

No hard feelings, man. We just want that bounty.

It pisses me off just remembering those assholes...

"So you're fixers, then." Shiroko concludes.

"What kind of job is that for girls your age?! Shouldn't you be working normal part-time jobs?" Nonomi asks them. I would agree with her, but I did worse jobs a few years back.

"It's not a part-time job!" Aru argues. "This is a real, respectable business! With titles and everything." Okay, I really am starting to take her less seriously... "And I'm the boss!"

"She's the Chief of Staff." Aru motions to Mutsuki. "And this here is the department head." She motions to Kayoko, who has a blush on her face.

"Please." Kayoko says. "The title isn't nearly as impressive as you make it out to be."

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