Chapter 75 - Studying Boot Camp

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After my discussion with Nagisa, I had a rather lengthy group video call with my girlfriends. We talked for hours about this and that. I eventually had to explain my discussion with Nagisa, which earned her some mistrust. Thankfully, none of my girlfriends go to Trinity- if they did, I wouldn't be surprised if they transferred right now, knowing that one of their school's presidents would do shit like this.

All of them were worried for me, especially Haruka, Chinatsu and Yuuka. Shiroko suggested we blow up the Tea Party, to which Haruka readily agreed with that ominous smile of hers. Hoshino, surprisingly, was the most level-headed one. She was clearly worried, but knew I'd handle whatever came my way. They wished me luck and I went to bed soon after.

The next day, I woke up and, after doing my morning routine, went to the room where the girls would be sleeping for the next week. I found them all there, unpacking various things at each of their beds.

Azusa, interestingly, brought explosives and various other military gadgets.

"Mornin'." I greet, causing some of the girls to jolt.

"Oh, good morning, Sensei!" Hifumi chirps.

"So, whaddya think of the room? I tried to tidy it up a bit for y'all last night." I say.

"It's quite nice, Sensei." Hanako says.

"This will be sufficient for our needs." Azusa says, succinctly.

"It's... not bad." Koharu mutters.

"Glad to hear it." I smile. "Anyway, meet me over at the kitchen when ya get done. I already made some breakfast."

"Breakfast...?" Koharu asks.

"Eh? You can cook, Sensei?" The blonde asks.

"And do a damn good job of it, too." I smile, pridefully. "C'mon over when you're done."


The kitchen of the annex was quite large, basically a small cafeteria.

Not long after, the four girls came down to see the massive amount of food I made for them.

"D-Did you seriously make all of this, Sensei?" Hifumi asks, shocked.

"I eat a lot." I say, simply, shrugging. "Plus, you four are gonna need fuel for all that studying you're gonna be doin'."

The four girls sit down around the table. Hanako and Hifumi seem surprised by the amount of food, the former going along with it. Azusa and Koharu seem... hesitant to eat, though.

Hanako takes a bite. "Oh, my! This is delicious!"

Hifumi eats some. "Wow...!"

Koharu hesitantly takes a bite. "Th-This is...?!"

Azusa is the most reluctant to eat. She looks at me for a moment, prompting me to smile and nod to her. Slowly, she takes a bite of the food and her purple eyes widen in various emotions. Shock, surprise, joy, confusion, ecstasy, relief. Too many to count, none negative.

The girls then begin to eat with increased fervor. I chuckle. "Slow down, it ain't gonna disappear on you." I chide. The girls then take their time, savoring the food. Not long after that, the table is clear of all food.

"I didn't know you were that good of a cook, Sensei." Hifumi says, still shell-shocked from my food.

"I've had lots of practice." I say, simply. "I'm just glad y'all enjoyed it."

"It was some of the best food I've had in years, if I say so myself." Hanako says, politely wiping her mouth with a napkin as a high-class person would.

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