Chapter 95 - Ninja Event: Epilogue

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"It's nice to meet you too, Shuro." I say, rolling over and proceeding to stand up.

"Huh. You're taller than I thought you'd be, Sensei." The small girl says, eyes wide in wonder as she looks up at me. "And tougher too... You don't seem hurt at all after catching that one."

Turning around, I look at Michiru on the ground behind me. When that trapdoor opened, I rushed forward and caught her best I could, but I didn't have anyone to catch me. She seems okay, just knocked out thankfully. Regardless, I turn back to Shuro and shrug. "I'm tough."

The dangerous girl hums, smiling as she does so.

"Mmmmh." I turn back around as I hear Michiru groan. "Huh...? Where am I...?"

"The bottom of that trapdoor." I answer.

"A trap? You mean in the mansion? The tourist spot?" She asks, shakily sitting up.

"Yeah. You okay?" I ask.

"I'm a bit dizzy, but... Wait a goddang second! This is an actual ninja mansion?!" Michiru realizes.

"Hahaha! You seriously didn't realize that?" Shuro laughs, causing Michiru to look at her with some apprehension. Seems she gets it too.

"Who...? Ugh, nevermind. We need all hands on deck! Sensei-dono! Let's go!" The tanuki says.

"Oh? You're just going to rush off like that?" The dangerous loli asks with a sadistic grin. "Sensei caught you when you fell, Y'know? Aren't you going to ask if he's hurt or not?"

"I'm not." I say, narrowing my eyes at Shuro, who just smiles innocently.

"Sensei-dono... almost got hurt...? All because I went rushing off on my own...?" Michiru asks, eyes wide in worry and guilt.

"Don't beat yourself up. You couldn'ta known there was a pit fall trap there." I say, hoping to placate her.

"...ruined..." The grayette worriedly mutters.

"Hm?" I ask, furrowing my brows.

"It's all ruined..." She repeats, tears welling up in her eyes before they begin to fall. "WAAHHH! I'm sorry! What did I do? I ruined everything!"

Kneeling down, I hold the crying girl for a long while. Eventually, she stops bawling.

"You okay now?" I ask.

"...Yes." Michiru says with a sniffle as we separate.

"Why were you sayin' you ruined everything?" I ask.

"It's because she was selfish." Shuro answers. "You could've stopped this whole thing if you'd just reported it, riiiiight?" She asks with a grin.

"You... knew...?" Michiru asks, shocked.

"The original performance doesn't have Mouryo in it, you know?" The mauvette grins. "You could've reported it to the Yin-Yang Club or even Hyakkayouran, but you didn't. You wanted to make your club official. At least, that's what the Yin-Yang Club President said anyway- that your ninja club wasn't official."

"I figured as much." I nod.

"Y-You knew the whole time?!" Michiru's eyes snap over to me.

"Duh." I deadpan.

"Well... She's right, but..." The grayette trails off. Why is she so hesitant?

But Shuro cackles again, a wide, toothy grin on her pale face. "Hahaha! Poor little Michiru~. For all her love of ninjas, she's still just super scared of being bullied for liking it. So scared of being laughed at. Your friends aren't afraid, so why are you? Do you even like ninjas at all?"

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