Chapter 28 - A Russian Coup d'Etat

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Later in the day, I'm relaxing in the Red Winter office's lounge as Cherino naps somewhere. One problem through.

"...Bored." I drawl out, before standing up and stretching my body with a groan.

As my muscles relax, I begin to walk to Cherino's office in hopes to wake her up and continue doing... whatever I'm supposed to do here.

As I walk down the halls, I hear something. Looking out of a nearby window, I see... a bunch of angry people.



Angry... people...?

In a place that resembles Soviet Russia...?



...Oh, fuck.

Pushing off the ground, I begin to sprint to the short president's office.

After a short sprint, I open the door to find Tomoe speaking with Cherino, mustacheless.

"Oh, Sensei! Thank goodness you're okay." Tomoe says, relieved.

"Yeah, I'm fine, but there's a bigger problem." I say, concerned.

"It had better be a big problem to have you BOTH interrupt my nap time!" The short girl roars.

"I doubt your students throwing a damned coup d'etat could be anything but a big problem." I say, dryly.

"What, another coup?" The short girl asks. Another? "Which club is it this time? The Mint Chocolate Liberation Front? The Revolutionaries Against Lemon on Fried Chicken Federation?"

"Th... The fucking what now?" I ask, torn between surprise and confusion.

Fortunately, no-one seems to hear me as the militaristic loli continues. "Not that it matters. If we leave the coup-stopping to Chairman Marina, then there's nothing to worry about. So don't interrupt my nap over trivial matters!"

"But, um..." The taller girl begins, nervous. "The thing is, the one behind the coup is... Security Chairman Marina."

"Wh-What did you just say?!" Cherino shouts, eyes wide in shock as she trips on her feet, landing on her butt. "Owwww..."

"You all right?" I ask, walking to her.

"I-I'm fine." She says, whining a bit. I offer her my hand, which she takes and promptly stands up. "M-More importantly! Why would Marina stage a coup? I didn't do anything to her!"

"I'm not sure, either, Madam President." The purplish haired girl admits.

"Could it be because... I ate the pudding she had been saving?!" Cherino asks. "Or because I drooled on her cherished teddy bear while I was taking a nap?"

"I... doubt it'd be either of those. More pudding can be bought and teddy bears can be cleaned." I say. Though, I wonder how teddy bears are still called teddy bears here? Doesn't their name have something to do with Theodore Roosevelt and a bear?

"Ugh, what do I do, Comrade?" She asks me.

"The State Guard led by Chairman Marina will be here at any second. It isn't safe here anymore." Tomoe advises.

"Well, grab whatever y'all need and let's go." I say. "I'd rather not have to fight an angry mob."

"B-But, where can we even go?" Cherino asks.

"There's an old unused school building on the outskirts of Red Winter. If we hide there, even Chairman Marina will have trouble finding us." The taller girl says.

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