Chapter 53 - Down Time XIV

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Hoshino and I ended up spending a nice evening inside at Schale, just lazing around, snuggled up together on the couch. We eventually decided to sleep together on my bed, reminiscent of our first date.

As the next day broke, the two of us woke up and got ready for the day.

Though, before she left, Hoshino gave me a peck on the lips as she left, leaving me stunned for a moment, before chuckling and going to my office to get to work.

A little bit after getting started, I got a... rather odd text from Aris.

I am finally going on an adventure, Sensei.

Hang on, she always speaks in third-person, but texts in first? Doesn't Izuna do that too?

I hear I have to train near the town where I am starting out. So, wish me luck.

Huh? Aris?

After waiting a minute or so, she doesn't respond.

Sighing, I get up with the intent to go check on the quirky robot girl.

To Millennium it is!


On the way to where Aris is, I spotted Neru, also walking through the residential area I was passing through. She was muttering to herself, while looking at a can on the ground. With a quick motion, she kicks the can towards the trash, but it clangs against the metal bin.

"Huh? I missed..." She groans to herself, before grinning. "Heh. This is fun!" She goes over and picks up the can, moving back a ways, positioning herself to kick it again. "Right, let's give it another try..." Her foot moves back then forward, kicking the can at the trash can again, and missing again. "Ah! So close!" She says, frustrated. "Okay! I'll make it this time for sure!"

I stifle a chuckle.

"Yo." I call out, walking up to her.

"Eeek! Wh-What?!" The tomboy maid shrieks, leaping back a bit.

"What're ya up to?" I ask, innocently.

"Huh? Sensei?! What are you doing here?!" Neru shouts, her face red and frantic.

"Just passin' through. I figured I'd say hi." I say.

"H-How long have you been watching?" She hisses.

"Since you first kicked the can. Nice kicks, by the way." I compliment.

"Gah! Dammit!" She curses, her face somehow becoming more red. She suddenly runs up to me and grabs a hold of my shirt, pulling me down a bit. With our faces a bit too close, she growls at me. "If you tell ANYONE what you saw here today, there's going to be hell to pay, Sensei!"

"Oh?" I ask, calmly. "And why can't I tell anyone that you were cleaning? You are a maid, after all."

"Huh? Oh, that's because..." She starts, before groaning in frustration from my logic. She lets go of my shirt and continues speaking as I stand straight again. "I'm a Millennium agent of the C and C . And... Well..." She trails off, averting her gaze from me. "If, uh... word got out that the head agent was cleaning..." She grits her teeth and pauses, before reiterating. "If word got out that I like playing Kick the Can..."

"Neru, it ain't something to be embarrassed by." I attempt to calm her. "Hell, even I play that sometimes." I say with a smile and a shrug.

"I... I'm not embarrassed! I swear!" The redhead maid shouts, flustered.

"Sure, sure." I say, knowingly. "Fine, I'll keep it a secret."

"S-Secret?" She asks, caught off-guard. I nod in response. "Well... uh... a secret between us, huh?" She says, more to herself, before breaking out in a grin. "Haha! That sounds good to me. That means you'll keep your promise since it's our secret, right, Sensei?"

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