Chapter 27 - A Request: Red Winter

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A few days after my nighttime walk, I received a letter from one Red Winter Federal Academy. It didn't say much, aside from the fact that it was an invitation.

"Say, Arona?" I call out to my AI pal.

"Yes, Sensei?" The small AI asks, popping up on a nearby screen.

"Know anything about this 'Red Winter Academy'?"

"Hmm. Not much, aside from the fact that the students there are... unique." She says slowly.

"Unique...?" I ask, before shaking my head. "Well, whatever. Anything else?"

"Oh, right! The academy is called as such because it snows almost year-round! So it would be best to bring a coat or something." She advises.

"Welp." I say, popping the p, while standing up. "Guess is better to grab some wintry stuff."


After making my way to Red Winter via train, I stand in front of the academy, dressed in a heavy black coat, dark green gloves and a dark blue beanie. It's pretty damn cold here, considering I can't actually see the ground past the snow.

The academy is fucking huge, too. Large grey stone buildings, adorned with... are those fucking mustaches? There's also a giant gold statue of some girl wearing a coat, backpack and hat while holding a pistol. On the second floor of the building is a strange portrait of a serious-looking man, but it's too far away to notice any significant details.

Come to think of it... this place kinda feels like looking at an important building in Russia. This must be Kivotos' equivalent.

"Excuse me." A feminine voice calls out next to me. "You wouldn't happen to be the Sensei from Schale?"

I turn my head to the speaker. The girl has long, pale purple hair tied in two long braids, each held with hairbands that have two fuzzy, white balls on them. Her eyes are an odd mix or orange and purple. On her head is a tall, straight, fluffy, white hat with a red bow on the side. Her outfit is somewhat professional, consisting of a large white coat, which comes to just above her knees, and a black undershirt, all of this covering her rather mature and curvy physique. Around the collar is a small red tie, complete with the Red Winter academy's logo. Around her arms is a long, white scarf, emblazoned with red snowflakes. Her legs are covered with black leggings and her feet, with white dress shoes. Around her ankles are a small white band each, complete with a red bow and two fuzzy, white balls each. In her hand is a small, brown book. Her halo resembles a magenta gear, with a smaller gear on the inside and a magenta plus shape within that. Around her back is a brown and black sniper rifle with a silver barrel and the Red Winter logo on the scope.

"That I am. Joshua Birkin, Sensei of Schale." I greet the girl, who's fairly tall, but still shorter than me.

"Then, hello, Sensei. The Red Winter Academy welcomes you." She says politely. "I am Sashiro Tomoe, Chief Secretary of the Red Winter office. Pleased to meet you."

"Same here." I say back.

"President Cherino is waiting inside." She says, motioning me to follow her.

Cherino... she's who wrote the letter to me.


After a bit of walking, we reach Cherino's office. The whole place is decorated with furniture colored with a golden hue. A large, wooden desk sits in the middle of the room, carved exquisitely. On the wall, I see that big portrait from before, but smaller. It's some mustached guy wearing a white military uniform with... is... is his white hair done up in twintails?

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