Chapter 4 - Down Time I

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The day I started working as a teacher here in the strange city of Kivotos was about a week ago.

Though, I've also spent some time researching this place. Kivotos is called a city, but seems to be more the size of a small country. Rin wasn't exaggerating when she said Kivotos has thousands of schools. Each school has it's own district and is run by their Student Council, with the General Student Council overseeing all others.

High schoolers running a city? The mere prospect of that worries me.

For the record, the central area of Kivotos, where Schale and the Sanctum Tower are is called the D.U. District, short for 'District of Utnapishtim. Utnapishtim... That's the guy in Mesopotamian Myth that made an Ark when the world flooded, smiliar to Noah in the Bible.

How odd... more and more mythology references.

The D.U. District also contains the city's police force, Valkyrie Police Academy, who patrol the D.U. As for the other schools, they have to do their own thing as Valkyrie won't help them unless absolutely necessary. There's also members of the General Student Council, GSC for short, who guard the GSC building. They're also called on when Valkyrie can't handle something. Well, either them or the SRT Special Academy. I don't know much about them, save that they're Kivotos' special forces. Apparently, they were ran by the GSC President herself and only her. But... now she's gone. I hope they find someone to take up that position.

Also, the people of this world are just as odd. There are three types of residents of Kivotos. First are students, young girls who attend one of the many schools here. They all carry guns and have a halo above their heads. The all appear mostly human, with some having horns or wings.

Next are the other two residents, the adults. Why are the adults a single category despite being two? It's because all adults are male robots and anthropomorphic animals. It's strange seeing cats and dogs walking around on two feet, wearing clothes and talking, but oh well. Truth be told. I thought I was having a fever dream when I saw them. This also brings me to why Yuuka was surprised that I was male.

There are no human men, nor students.
From what I've read, human men are like a myth, there haven't been any in a long time, only being recorded in old stories and the like. There's also a whole genre of romance novels centered slowly on a character being with a human man.

I run a hand through my hair in frustration. What a mess...

Another strange thing is the curriculum of the city. The girls are taught usual subjects like math and stuff, but they're also taught warfare tacticts. Hence, the guns.

Also, I am the ONLY TEACHER in the city.

Sure, the academies sometimes get guest lecturers, but for the most part, they're taught using recordings on Tech Notes or Blu-Ray Disks, BD Disks for short. This also shows why the delinquents of the city aren't feared. Since they don't go to school, they don't learn tactics, so they're much weaker and less competent than those that attend regularly.

Also, students' halos allow them strange powers, like Wakamo's flower thing. Each student is encouraged to develop a unique ability using their powers. Yuuka's barrier was strong, but Kivotos' tech couldn't make something that strong unless it was something much bigger. Yuuka merely used her 'calculator' and her halo's power to make that barrier. It's the same with Hasumi's big shot that took out that tank and Chinatsu's healing. I realized that Suzumi's stun grenades might've been boosted by her halo as well.

As for the building I'm living in now, it is MASSIVE. The three topmost floors consist of my main office in the middle, a recreational area below and my living quarters at the top of the building. The remaining floors are either empty, or are used for storage.

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