Chapter 77 - Secret Meeting with Two Pinkettes

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"Wow! The pool is so full!" Mika chirps, staring at the crystal-clear blue water. "It's been a long time since I've seen this old thing filled. Were you planning on going swimming? Maybe organizing a pool party?"

I chuckle. "We didn't really think that far ahead when we cleaned it. Maybe we'll all go for a swim after boot camp is over."

"Oh..." She deflates.

"You're invited, too. Naturally." I add.

"Oh!" She re-inflates, smiling.

"Geez." I chuckle, shaking my head at the pinkette's antics. "Anyways, what didja call me here for, Mika?"

The angel just giggles sweetly. "I was just wondering how you were doing!" She chirps.

"You coulda just called me or something if you wanted to do that." I deadpan.

"No way! It wouldn't be as special if we didn't meet in person!" She argues.

"Haha, fair enough." I say.

"Still... Nagi is really going all-in, isn't she?" Mika asks, looking at the annex building. "Even signing off on you all using these facilities for your make up work classes." Then, she smiles again. "So..."

"So...?" I ask.

"So, how goes it?" She chirps. "I hope you aren't simply pretending to keep busy so you can have pool parties with the students. You wouldn't do something like that, would you?"

I laugh. "If I could see you in a swimsuit, I might." I tease.

"Wha?!" Mika stills, face red.

"Sorry. I think Hanako might be rubbing off on me." I joke.

"Geez, don't tease me like that, Sensei!" Mika complains, pouting cutely.

"Still, why are you here?" I ask, more forcefully.

"You don't have to be so wary, Sensei. You're going to hurt my feelings." She grumbles. "Are you at least eating properly? I could always have your class catered if you like? Would tea and cake be alright?"

"I don't think I could survive on just tea and cake, Mika." I deadpan. "But don't worry, I've been cookin' for myself for years. I know how to eat well."

"M-My apologies. I understand." She awkwardly says, realizing she's being a bit pushy. "I should probably skip the small talk, huh? In that case, I'll get straight to the point. And for the record, Nagi doesn't know I'm here right now." She adds, quickly. "I'm by myself, as you can see..." Mika eyes me over for a moment. "She offered you a deal, didn't she?"

"A deal?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. "You mean about the traitor?"

"Yes. I thought that might be it. She's a card, that one." Mika says, a bit sadly. "She didn't even give you all the details, I'm willing to be. She just dumped the responsibility in your lap and told you to get to work."

I smile. "You two really have been long-time friends if you can figure out that much, that easily."

Mika smiles bitterly. "Yes. And let me guess, she didn't offer a proper reason or intent behind it either, did she? Did Nagi tell you why the Make Up Work Club was founded this way?"

"I figured it out, actually. It was to circumvent Trinity's many rules using Schale's extrajudicial authority. Specifically the ones about forming clubs and failing students." I explain. "Honestly, I learned more from the contract for this job than I did from Nagisa herself."

"Geez, you're sharp, huh, Sensei?" She smiles. "Still, to think she told you nothing and burdened you with so much."

"Though you're missing one thing." I point out, causing Mika to blink. "I never agreed to her little offer."

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