Chapter 75

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( A/n: Part 3 of We Are Family Part 1. There are slight changes, and btw Hiccup is going to meet a certain dragon....If you remember a certain mention in one of the original episodes, I think you know who the dragon might be... )

The next day, the dragon riders were on their dragons, and were searching for Bork's cave after Hiccup told them about an island full of night furies. Evergreen was flying beside them.

Snotlout: So let me get this straight. To find this island, we have to find Bork's cave?

Fishlegs: His last known place of residence.

Astrid: Who would live in a cave?

Tuffnut: Who wouldn't?

Hiccup: There must be something in there about the Isle of Night and where we can find it.

Fishlegs: Bork's note said his cave was cut into the mountains right above Odin's shield.

Meryl's eyes then widened.

Meryl: I think I know what cave he's talking about...but um...

Hiccup: What?

Meryl: My....Just keep an open mind.

Meryl then led the group to the cave Bork's note was talking about, Fáfnir had to wait outside because he was too big to go into the cave. They then went inside, Hiccup noticed that there were a few child like drawings on the cave walls.

Tuffnut: So, um, why do we need to keep an open mind?

Meryl: Um... You'll know why when we bump into him.

Snotlout: Him?

They followed the path of the cave until they reached the part that looked to used to be a home, that's when they saw a large dragon, it sharply turned it's head to them and glared at them, except Meryl.

They followed the path of the cave until they reached the part that looked to used to be a home, that's when they saw a large dragon, it sharply turned it's head to them and glared at them, except Meryl

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( A/n: This is the dragon. Take a guess who it is. )

Hiccup: Oh Thor. Is that a...

Fishlegs: A Silver Phantom. Beautiful and mysterious, we are so lucky to see this-

The silver phantom raised his wings and roared at them, he was about to attack them when.... Meryl jumped in front of them and he stopped in his steps immediately.

Meryl: Silver, stop!

Snotlout: Silver?

Astrid: Wait, is that...?

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