Chapter 42

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( A/n: Part 2 of Heather Report part 1 )

( In the morning )

Meryl was making breakfast for her and Heather while Goofball and Evergreen were eating their breakfast. Heather walked in and was in slight shock as Meryl put the food on the two plates she'd prepared for her and Heather.

Meryl: Morning! I made Salmon and eggs. I figured it's best we eat before meeting with the others.

Heather: Wow. Thanks. It smells great.

Meryl: No problem. Plus, I usually don't get the chance to cook for anyone anymore.

Heather sat down and took a bite, and her eyes widened slightly.

Heather: This is really good.

Meryl: Thanks, my mom taught me everything I know about cooking.

Heather: Is it okay for me to ask what happened to them?

Meryl: Yeah. It's fine... ( Sits down ) My Dad was killed by a dragon hunter. And I had gotten separated from my mom when the hunters that killed my father, found us. I was just a kid... I, uh, took shelter in the woods here. It took awhile for me to fully become a part of Berk, but a lot of people are very nice here.  Let's eat up before going out.

Once they finished breakfast, the girls and the dragons walked outside. Meryl helped Heather on Goofball's back, and Evergreen hopped on Goofball's back behind Heather.

Meryl: Ready for your first visit to the Dragon Training Academy, Heather?

Heather: As I'll ever be. Sorry, I'm still getting used to Vikings riding dragons, and are okay with Scalewalkers living with them.

Meryl: Yeah, you're not the only one. I'm still getting used to viking life. Heck, I'm still learning how to read. While we're on the way there, I'll give you a tour. Hold on.

Goofball then takes off the ground and began flying.

( At the Academy )

The Riders were waiting for Meryl, Heather, and her dragons. The twins were more focused on the Scalewalker toddler, trying to figure out a name for her. Fishlegs had the book of dragons.

Ruffnut: Skull Ripper?

Tuffnut: Nah, too skully. Mayday?

Ruffnut: Nope. Too pretty sounding.

Tuffnut: You're right, her name has to be something powerful, yet simple, maybe water themed...

Onyx: ( to the Twins: ) You do realize that you're a naming a child, not a animal?

Tuffnut: Yes. If she was a animal, we would be thinking of animal names like Dave, and Johnny.

Onyx raised his brow at them in disbelief.

Astrid: Where is Meryl? She's usually never late.

Hiccup: There she is.

Meryl and her dragons then arrived at the academy with Heather. Astrid looks at Heather with an untrustful look.

The Scale Walker Of Berk ( A Httyd fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now