Chapter 56

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( A/n: Part 2 of What Flies Beneath )

Meryl was at her house with her dragons, in the unconscious Liv's room, brushing Liv's hair while talking to herself.

Meryl: I swear sometimes Hiccup gets on my nerves. I know Toothless can't fly and he could get killed, but he told us to back off. What am I supposed to do, ignore Toothless's wishes?! ( Sighs ) But... Hiccup does have a point...

Meryl thinks for a moment before she walked out of the room with a serious expression.

( The next morning, in the woods )

Meryl was in the woods, and was tracking the Whispering Death and Toothless down.

Meryl: Okay, Meryl, we just need to find Toothless or the Whispering before he finds the Whispering Death and possibly get himself killed. I hope the others won't be too upset that I left without leaving a note.

Little did Meryl know that she wasn't the only one that was in the woods looking for the Whispering Death...

( While with the other riders, at the academy )

Onyx lands Fáfnir at the entrance of the academy with Goofball and Evergreen on Fáfnir's back with him, and Onyx ran into the academy just as his friends decided to go find the Whispering Death.

Astrid: ( to Onyx: ) There you are, what took- ( noticed how panicked Onyx was ) What's wrong?

Onyx: Meryl's gone and Goofball said that she went to help Toothless with the Whispering Death!

The Riders: What?!

Hiccup: Oh, Thor, what is she thinking?

Onyx: I have no idea! We need to find them fast!

( Meanwhile, in one of the whispering death tunnels )

Tida is seen walking in the tunnels with a smile, she had accidentally fell into the tunnel system again when she sneaked off to follow her siblings. She then heard rumbling, and turned to see the Whispering Death right behind her, looking at her with a growl.

Tida: ( giggles and reached her hands up to the giant, scary looking legless dragon ) Kitty!

The Whispering Death then purred at the small toddler as Tida gave it a hug.

( Slight Time Skip )

The Riders landed on the ground in the woods with holes in the ground, and Onyx sniffed the air. Hiccup was on Goofball's back with Evergreen landing beside them.

Onyx: This is where Whispering Death scent ends, but there's also another scent with it, it's small and has a hint of ( sniffs ) ( confused: ) fish oil?

Hiccup: Toothless?! Meryl?!

Snotlout: How do we even know the Whispering Death made these holes?

Astrid: ( to Snotlout, sarcastically: ) So you think it might be the other 2,500 pound, rock eating dragon we're following?

Snotlout: I know what you're- Don't try to confuse me.

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