Chapter 21

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( A/n: In Dragons We Trust Part 2 )

The Dragon Riders were standing under the large catapult on Berk.

Hiccup: We're going on night patrol.

Tuffnut: Night patrol! I love it! What is it?

Hiccup: It's where we night. To keep an eye on the dragons. Make sure they or Meryl don't get blamed for anything else.

Fishlegs: Um, have you cleared this with our parents? Because some of us might not be allowed out after a certain hour.

Snotlout: Not allowed? Or afraaaaid?

Fishlegs: Hey! Things happen after dark.

Meryl: I don't know if that's a good idea.

Hiccup: Guys! We have to do this. You heard Mildew. He wants the Dragons and Meryl banished.

Ruffnut: Permission to shoot first and ask questions later?

Tuffnut: Permission to skip the question?

Hiccup: We're just patrolling! No one is shooting anyone!

Tuffnut: I have a question. What's fun about that?!

Astrid: It's not supposed to be fun. It's a " Hiccup " idea.

Meryl stiffened a chuckle.

Hiccup: Exactly. What?

Meryl: Hiccup, I'm not too sure if I can... I need to sleep so I can turn into a dragon at night. Staying up at night as a human, is....not good. That's the best way I think I can put it in viking.

Hiccup: I'm sure it'll be fine, Meryl. You have me- I mean us.

Meryl: ( sighs ) You're so lucky I love you, Hiccup, or I wouldn't be doing this.

( Later that evening )

Meryl was patrolling the village in human form with Goofball and Evergreen following her, and she accidentally bumped into a tall boy with jet black hair and bright amber eyes that looked to be the same age as her.

Meryl was patrolling the village in human form with Goofball and Evergreen following her, and she accidentally bumped into a tall boy with jet black hair and bright amber eyes that looked to be the same age as her

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( A/n: This is what the boy looks like. Who do you think he is? )

Meryl: ( to the tall boy: ) Oops. Sorry. Hey, have you seen any dragon problems?

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