Chapter 19

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( A/n: The Terrible Twos Part 2 )

Meryl was at the academy with Astrid, Hiccup, Fishlegs, and Snotlout, she was giving Hiccup the silent treatment for calling her a " wild animal " and for leaving Toothless at the cove. Evergreen and Goofball had worried looks as they noticed the tension between Meryl and Hiccup.

Astrid: ( to Hiccup: ) You did the right thing with Toothless. He'll snap out of it and I'm sure Meryl will calm down.

Snotlout: Ya, but what if they don't. Then you won't have a dragon to ride, and if you don't have a dragon to ride then you can't be the leader of the Dragon Academy! HA!

Astrid: Yeah, then Meryl will take over. Do you really want that?

Fishlegs: Um, I don't know if you guys know this, but when I was asking Meryl some questions about Scalewalkers for the book of dragons a few weeks ago, I found out the term " wild animal " for Scalewalkers is like calling someone a.... ( Glances at Evergreen and Torch ) Um, a feral female dog.

Astrid, Snotlout, and Hiccup's eyes widened at this, and Hiccup now realizes what made Meryl so upset when they had their argument.

Hiccup: Oh Thor, I messed up.

Snotlout: ( laughs ) Big time.

Meryl made a " hmph" and crossed her arms with her back turned to the four riders. The twins then arrived on Barf and Belch.

Tuffnut: You guys would not believe what we just saw.

Snotlout: Excuse me, we're having a power struggle.

Hiccup: We're not having a power struggle.

Meryl: ( to the twins, stands next to Astrid with a serious expression: ) What's wrong?

Tuffnut: The whole forest. Ultimate destruction.

Ruffnut: It was beautiful. The whole thing was torched.

Hiccup: Torched? Show me.

The twins take the gang to the woods where a giant spiral scorch mark is. Evergreen whines and hides behind Meryl at the sight of the scorch mark.

Ruffnut: Like we said; ultimate destruction.

Hiccup: We've seen that burn mark before.

Astrid: Not this big.

Fishlegs: You know what this means. Big burn mark-

Hiccup: Big Typhoomerang

The adult Typhoomerang appears flying in the sky, burning things.

Tuffnut: He looks really mad.

Meryl: That's not a he, that is a she. If a certain one legged viking listened to his dragon or his girlfriend, he would've known that Torch is a baby and that right there is his mother! That's what me and Toothless was trying to tell you, Hiccup!

Fishlegs: And whoever gets between that mother and this baby is gonna get fried!

Meryl grabs Torch and Torch's mother sees Meryl holding her baby.

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