Chapter 12

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( A/n: How to Start a Dragon Academy Part 3 )

The teens walk through a surprisingly dragon-less part of the village.

Fishlegs: Huh. No dragons.

Ruffnut: That was easy.

Snotlout: Lunch?

Hiccup: That's weird. If the dragons aren't here, where are they?

Meryl: Wait, guys, where are our dra-

A distant explosion is heard, along with scattered screams. Suddenly, a mushroom cloud appears near the food storage house.

Astrid: Something tells me that way.

Meryl: ( sarcastically: ) Oh, really?

The dragon riders went to the scene, where what was once the food storage house is now a pile of smoking splinters. They also see their dragons eating all the fish from storage, expect for Goofball, he was trying to eat a rock that could barely fit in his mouth.

Astrid: Stormfly?

Snotlout: Hookfang?

Stoick: They've eaten everything! We've got nothing left for the freeze!

Mildew: I warned you, Stoick. But did you listen to me? No. You put a bunch of teenagers and a Scalewalker in charge! Now look what the dragons have done! Caging is too good for those beasts!-

Meryl: ( angrily: ) You shut your trap!

Mildew: See what I mean, you can't trust Dragons or Scalewalkers, they're beasts.

Hiccup: Dad, I swear I can fix this. We- We were just starting to-

Stoick: Enough, Hiccup! How can I trust you to control all the dragons, when you couldn't even control your own?

Stoick gestures to Toothless, who was digging into a basket of fish.

Hiccup: Oh, Toothless...

Stoick: Bucket! Mulch! Man the boats! We need another catch!

Mulch: It's too late, Stoick. It took us six months to catch all that fish.

Stoick: Don't tell me it's too late! We've got to try!

Mulch: Of course we do! Uh, ( to Bucket: ) don't tell the Chief it's too late. You're always so negative!

Bucket: I don't know what is it with me.

Hiccup: Dad, please! You gotta listen to me. I know dragons better than-

Stoick: Not now, Hiccup. I have a village to feed. The dragons have done enough damage. By tonight, I want every one of them and Meryl caged. Understood?

Meryl's eyes widened, and Goofball whines as he went to her and nuzzled her leg, not liking the idea of her or him being caged.

Mildew: Bah! You can't just cage these dragons and that girl! You need to send them away now!

Viking #1: Stoick, Mildew's right!

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