Chapter 67

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( A/n: Part 3 of Breakneck Bog )

The group walked into an area covered with bones.

Fishlegs: Agh...Bones... That's just perfect.

They continued to look around to find any signs of Johann's missing boat, then something caught Onyx and Stormfly's attention.

Onyx: ( to Astrid: ) WATCH OUT!

Onyx pulled Astrid away from being crushed by a fallen anchor.

Astrid: AH! ONYX!

Onyx points up, and the group looks up to see that Johann's ship was stuck on top of a large tree.

Meryl: Holy Scales!

Onyx: Meryl! Language!

Hiccup: Wow! He really got off course.

Fishlegs: Fog Monster-

Onyx: Uh, guys... I don't think that's what put it up there... Look at the claw marks on the sides of the boat, Meryl...

Meryl looked at the claw marks on the side of Johann's boat, and her eyes widened.

Meryl: ( to Hiccup, Astrid, and Fishlegs: ) We need to be extremely careful.

Fishlegs: ( scared ) What? Why?!

Onyx: Right now, it's best that you don't know.

The riders got on their dragons and flew to the boat, but the dragons refused to go on the boat.

Onyx: Guys, we will probably have to go on the boat without the dragons.

Fishlegs: They're afraid. And they're dragons. So we should ask ourselves: What are we doing?-

Meryl jumped off Goofball's back, doing a flip in the air, and lands on the boat on her feet.

Meryl: ( to Fishlegs, honestly: ) Pulling a Hiccup. This boat won't be able to hold them, so jump down here.

Hiccup: Meryl's right, we have to jump down and send the dragons below. Wait... ( To Meryl: ) " Pulling a Hiccup? " What do you mean by that?

Meryl: You, Hiccup Haddock, should already know by what I mean.

Fishlegs: ( muttering, to self: ) Great. That's just perfect.

Hiccup, Onyx, Astrid, and Fishlegs jumped off their dragons and landed on the boat, Fishlegs landed on his back.

Meryl: Toothless, Goofball, ground.

Astrid, Onyx, and Fishlegs gave similar commands, and the five dragons did what they were told and landed on the ground.

Fishlegs: ( to Meatlug from the ship: ) Stay where you can hear Daddy!

Hiccup: Okay, so let's just find this thing amd get out of here. We're looking for a chest with the Berk crest on it.

Suddenly a bone fell from the sky, and hits Onyx on the head, Onyx didn't give a reaction to it.

The Scale Walker Of Berk ( A Httyd fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now