Chapter 2

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Meryl woke up to the sound of someone yelling of joy, and she opened her eyes to see that she was still a dragon and that she didn't just dreamt of getting shot down. She glanced behind her and saw Hiccup.

Meryl: ( thoughts: ) . . . Note to self, to punch this fish bone.

Hiccup: Yes! I have brought down these mighty beasts!-

When Hiccup went to put his foot on the Night fury, the night fury shoved him off and Meryl growled at him.

Hiccup: Whoa!

Hiccup then points his knife at them as he sees that they were alive and they're looking at him.

Hiccup: ( to the night fury and the red dragon aka Meryl: ) I'm going to kill you, dragons. I'm gonna cut out your hearts and take them to my father. I'm a viking. I am a VIKING!

Hiccup hesitated to do it, as the night fury and the red dragon looked at him with frightened eyes. The night fury, while visibly scared, makes no sound and lays still. The red dragon ( aka Meryl ) looked at Hiccup with her unnaturally bright blue eyes, and Hiccup saw that her left front claw was bleeding. Hiccup was unable to bring himself to kill either of the two dragons, and finally gives in.

Hiccup: ( to self: ) I did this...

Hiccup then begins to cut the ropes that bind the two dragons. The night fury stirs and opened it's eyes. It then rolls Hiccup over, and roars in Hiccup's face, and lopsidedly flies away. Hiccup watched as the red dragon tried to put weight on her wounded claw to stand up, but she quickly whines in pain and fell back down on her stomach. The red dragon then used her massive wings to help herself to stand up while keeping her wounded claw off the ground.

Meryl then turned her head to Hiccup, looking at him in shock before she took off into the air towards the cove.

Hiccup whimpers before he fainted.

( With Meryl )

Meryl lands in the cove and saw the night fury. She saw that the poor night fury had lost a tail fin. She slowly walked to the dragon after he failed to take flight and crash landed on the ground.

Meryl: ( to the night fury: ) It's okay. Until we both recover and you get back in the air, I'll keep the both of us alive.

The night fury looked at her in shock, Meryl then went to her human body and gently pressed her snout on her human body's forehead, making the dragon turn into a spirit and go back into her human body. Meryl woke up in her human body with a gasp in pain as she felt the pain radiating in her left hand that was still wounded and bleeding, she quickly got out of her nest and dipped her hand into the water to clean the wound, causing her to silently growl in pain. The night fury slowly walked up to her and looked at her with worry, as she could tell that he was worried about her wound.

Meryl: I'm okay, bud. Meryl just has a little boo boo, nothing to worry about. It doesn't hurt that bad. ( Her nose twitches like a bunny )

( The next day )

Meryl had a cloth wrapped around the wound on her left hand as the night fury was trying to fly and fell back on the ground. She then sees Hiccup hiding at the entrance in the corner of her eyes while she went to comfort the night fury after he failed to take off.

The Scale Walker Of Berk ( A Httyd fanfic )Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu