Chapter 70

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( A/n: Part 1 of Gem of a Different Color. This episode's first scene has changed slightly: Instead of Gobber teaching the riders combat, it's Buzz because...okay, this man had survived on an island with Smokebreath dragons all by himself for ten whole years. I think he's more than qualified. )

Buzz was in the arena with the riders, with the twins fighting each other as part of their combat class with Buzz, who was currently wearing an empty tortoise shell on his head like a helmet and he was holding a wooden spoon. After a few minutes, Ruffnut won.

Buzz: Like Ruffnut demonstrated, the shield can be your most important weapon and sometimes even ally in battle-

Tuffnut: Hold on. I don't get to hit her back?-

Buzz gently smacked Tuffnut with the wooden spoon in the back of his back for interrupting him, Ruffnut laughed.

Tuffnut: Ow! ( Rubs the back of his head )

Buzz: On your own time and no interrupting the teacher, boy. Twenty situps.

Tuffnut: Aw, man.

Tuffnut then did what Buzz told him, and began doing sit-ups.

Buzz: Now. Hiccup, Astrid.

Astrid punched her fist in excitement.

Hiccup: Well, I-I don't think it's really fair for me to be fighting As-

Astrid begins throwing a few punches at Hiccup. He flips her over his shoulder, then turns around with a smug grin on his face. It doesn't last long because Astrid then knocks him to the ground and puts him in a rather painful arm lock, which he can't escape from.

Buzz: ( to Hiccup: ) There's no such thing as fairness in a fight, Hiccup. In this kind of situation, I would advise playing dead.

Hiccup gave up struggling and drops his head to the ground.

Buzz: Just like that. Well done, lad. Astrid, good form, but you forgot one thing...

Astrid releases her grip and lets Hiccup get up, she looked at Buzz confused.

Astrid: What?-

Buzz then suddenly flip Astrid to the ground and pointed the wooden spoon at her, she looked at him in shock.

Buzz: Always keep an eye on what's going on around you. ( Helps Astrid up ) If you have all your focus on one target, someone could get the chance to get the drop on you, and then you're a bunny rabbit in a pit of rattlesnakes.

Snotlout: Whoa. Who knew someone crazy knows so much about combat.

Buzz: Of course I do. I'm a HiveLing.

Meryl and Onyx noticed the confused looks that were on the Viking teens' faces.

Onyx: HiveLings always live in large groups, aka villages, and all of them are heavily trained in combat.

Meryl: It's why almost every other kind of Scalewalker doesn't want to mess with them.

Buzz: That's right. And once I'm finished with all of you, you all might be equally as deadly as a small group of battle ready HiveLing warriors. Next up, Onyx and Snotlout.

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