Chapter 46

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( A/n: Part 1 of Heather Report part 2 )

Meryl was on Goofball and they were chasing after Heather, who had tried to escape Berk again. Evergreen was chasing Heather on the ground. Just as Heather spots a boat moored by the ocean, Evergreen fires at the boat, burning it into ashes. Goofball then scoops Heather from the ground and holds her up by the back of her shirt.

Meryl: ( to Heather, a bit coldly: ) You can break out of jail as many times as you want, but you're not getting off this island!

Cut to Meryl putting Heather into her prison cell, and Astrid slamming the door shut, Heather safely inside.

Astrid: Give it up, Heather. We have dragons and Scalewalkers.

Heather: Astrid, Meryl, I have to get back to Outcast island!

Astrid: Yeah, I bet you do.

Heather: You don't understand! Alvin has my parents!

Meryl: Really? What happened to the pirates?

Heather: There were never any pirates. I made it all up.

Meryl turned away from Heather with a frown, Astrid placed her hand on Meryl's shoulder to comfort her.

Heather: But, I had to. I needed you to trust me.

Astrid: Well, guess what? We don't. Not anymore. Especially after you kidnapped Evergreen and Tida.

Heather: I didn't kidnap them. They followed me!

Astrid: Uh-huh sure. Come on, Meryl.

Astrid and Meryl were about to leave when...

Heather: Alvin has a Scalewalker dragonet!

Meryl's eyes widened, while Astrid wasn't trusting a word Heather was saying.

Heather: He was planning on executing her, but I managed to save her by telling them what happens when a Scalewalker is a dragon for too long.

Meryl: ( doesn't look at Heather ) How old?

Heather: I didn't get a good look at her, but-

Astrid: Don't listen to her, Meryl. She's just trying to trick you again. Let's go.

( Meanwhile, on Outcast island )

Alvin and Savage were watching as Mistake was practicing her abilities in the outcast arena. She was trying to levitate heavier weapons, by trying to levitate a catapult off the ground.

Savage: ( to Alvin: ) The separation of her human body is working. She's showing signs of forgetting about being human, she's acting more like a dragon every hour.

Alvin: Good. By then she'll be fully under our control-

Mistake roared happily as she managed to levitate the catapult a few inches off the ground, and she looked at Alvin and Savage.

Alvin: Good job, Mistake. Savage, her reward.

Savage grabs a loaf of bread and tosses it to Mistake, she happily catches it in her mouth, accidentally dropping the catapult on a Outcast soldier's foot, making him scream in pain. Mistake turned her head and whined at the outcast soldier as she knew that must have hurt.

The Scale Walker Of Berk ( A Httyd fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now