Chapter 15

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Meryl, Goofball, and Evergreen arrived at the scene at the same time as Hiccup and they saw that Hookfang was thrashing around and behaving erratically, spewing fire everywhere.

Meryl: Oh gods... That's a lot of fire...

Snotlout ran to Hiccup and Meryl.

Snotlout: I never... thought... I'd say this... but Hiccup...HELP!!!

Meryl went to attempt to calm Hookfang down as he shook his head a lot and rubbed his face on the ground. Evergreen stayed with Hiccup, Toothless, and Goofball.

Meryl: ( to Hookfang, in dragon: ) What's wrong, Hookfang? Wait, do you have a-

Stoick: Everybody back away! The dragon's out of control! It's not safe here!

Meryl: ( tries to talk to Hookfang, in dragon again: ) Do you have a-

Meryl saw Hiccup walk up to the Monstrous Nightmare with a fish.

Meryl: ( silently: ) Oh no...

Hiccup: ( to Hookfang: ) Are you hungry, boy?

Meryl: Hiccup, don't-

Hiccup tosses the fish to Hookfang, and the dragon starts eating it, but then suddenly spits it out into Stoick's beard.

Hiccup: Oh, sorry, Dad.

Stoick: We've got to bring this dragon under control.

Meryl: ( silently, in dragon: ) We will if you let me finish a sent-

Hiccup: ( to Stoick: ) Don't worry. I can do this.

Hiccup approaches Hookfang again.

Hiccup: ( to Hookfang: ) There you go. It's gonna be okay.

Hiccup lays his hand on Hookfang's snout. But then Hookfang roars and spits fire.

Meryl: Hiccup!

Astrid: Run!

Hiccup: Way ahead of you!

Toothless jumps in and fights Hookfang, Evergreen tried to jump in after Toothless, but Goofball was holding her back by her tail.

Hiccup: Toothless! Stop!

Meryl: ( groans in frustration, before she realized something ) ( in dragon, silently: ) How did I forget that Vikings can't understand dragon? No wonder why no one is listening to the Scalewalker.

Stoick: I've seen enough, Hiccup. I'm sorry. We tried it your way.

Stoick then left, Meryl quickly pulled the riders, her dragons and Toothless to hide behind something while watching Hookfang.

Meryl: ( to the riders: ) You guys do realize that I can speak dragon, right?

The riders looked at her in shock, mostly Hiccup.

Meryl: I take that as a no.

Tuffnut: Oh, that's what you were doing when you made a series of growls randomly.

The Scale Walker Of Berk ( A Httyd fanfic )Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora