Chapter 25

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( A/n: How to Pick Your Dragon Part 1 )

The villagers, Gobber, and Stoick pulled a damaged ship up to the docks of Berk. Toothless and Hiccup stand to the side. Meryl helped them pull the damaged ship up to the docks.

Gobber: It's that rogue dragon again. That's the second boat this week he's destroyed.

Stoick: Well, we lost another whole catch. We could have saved it if we'd gotten there sooner.

Hiccup: Well, I know how you could have gotten there sooner.

Stoick & Meryl: ( at the same time, but Meryl said it under her breath: ) Here we go again.

Hiccup: ( to Stoick: ) If you'd flown there on a dragon you could have been there in five minutes instead of two hours. And you might even have been able to chase that rogue dragon away for good.

Stoick: ( to Hiccup: ) As the chief of Berk, I do things the Viking way. Not the Dragon way.

Hiccup: Well, the Viking way is costing us a lot of fish and almost as many boats.

Meryl: ( trying to help Hiccup ) ( to Stoick: ) Hiccup has a point, sir.

Gobber: Meryl's right, Stoick. The boy's got a point. If you were on a dragon you could protect this island from a lot of things. Even Alvin.

Hiccup: Right! You-You could use a dragon to-

Stoick: You're right, Gobber. Alvin knows we have dragons. He'll be back.

Gobber: You saw what those dragons did. They, Meryl, and Onyx had Alvin on the run. Imagine if you were the one commanding them.

Stoick: I'm listening.

Hiccup: ( to himself: ) But clearly not to me.

Gobber: I can see it now. A proud chief ruling his domain above aboard a fearsome fire-breathing reptile. Ooooh, it gives me goosebumps.

Hiccup: That's what I've been trying to-

Stoick: Gobber's right. I need to learn to fly. ( To Meryl: ) Meryl, find Onyx and bring him to me, I would like a word with him. ( To Hiccup: ) When do we start the lessons?

Meryl: ( silently, in dragon with her hands on her hips: ) What does he think I've been doing as a dragon the last two weeks since we fought Alvin? Having a blasted tea party with some wild boars?

Hiccup: ( to Stoick: ) I don't know, shouldn't we ask Gobber?

Gobber: Eh, I don't really have a preference, but sooner is always better. Don'tcha think?

( At a cliff just in front of the Academy )

Hiccup was showing his father Toothless' saddle controls.

Hiccup: Alright, I've made a new stirrup so you'll be able to control Toothless.

Stoick: ( to Toothless: ) You hear that? It's me that's supposed to be controlling you.

Hiccup: Whoa, whoa, Dad, uh, before you get on a dragon you've got to show him he can trust you.

Stoick: He already trusts me. I'm his chief!

The Scale Walker Of Berk ( A Httyd fanfic )Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin