Chapter 33

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( A/n: This is going to be an original episode, which means it's not actually an episode in the series, it's called " Two Giants ". You can guess what's going to happen in this episode. This is part 1, enjoy!)

At the dead of night, a giant dragon with armor made of bones is seen hiding in the cove. It had a huge dragon bear trap on its leg and a small bone missing from its armor, it tried to roar, but no sound came out. It lowered its head in defeat, and it laid down on its side to avoid putting pressure on its wounded leg.

( In the morning )

Onyx found a small dragon bone laying on the ground while on his way to Gobber's shop. He looked at it in curiosity, before he heard Gobber yelling his name. Onyx quickly went to the shop, and was greeted by Gobber.

Gobber: There you are! Come on, lad. We have a lot of weapons to repair.

Onyx: Yes, sir.

Onyx quickly got to work repairing the weapons that were damaged when Mildew framed the dragons. Onyx then noticed that some vikings were staring at him from outside across the shop as he was using his fire breath to fix a sword's bent blade, which caused him to stop and look at the ground as he became uncomfortable by the Vikings' stare and Gobber noticed.

Gobber: ( to the staring Vikings: ) Hey! Unless you are going to get something, quit your starin' and get!

The staring Vikings quickly left, causing Onyx to relax slightly.

Gobber: ( to Onyx: ) Don't pay any attention to them, lad. They're just getting used to seeing a fire breathing boy around. Especially one as tall as you.

Onyx: Yeah... I get it...

( Slight Time Skip )

Onyx was now sitting alone in Great Hall, reading a book, when he saw the riders walk in. The Riders quickly noticed Onyx wasn't in a good mood.

Astrid: Hey, Onyx, you okay?

Onyx: Y-Yeah. Today just, uh, has been a rough.

Meryl: Let me guess, people staring at ya?

Onyx: Yes...

Hiccup: You know, you could always join us in the academy and train with us.

Onyx: I don't think that's a good idea. I don't have a dragon to train with.

Tuffnut: He has a point. You can't be a dragon rider without a dragon. Like how you can't fly without two wings.- ( noticed that the other riders were glaring at him ) What?

Onyx: I think I hear Gobber looking for me. I'll see you guys later...

Onyx then walked out of the Great Hall, leaving the riders inside.

Astrid: ( to Tuffnut: ) Seriously? You had to point out that he can't fly?

Tuffnut: It's true-

Meryl punched Tuffnut in the stomach, making groan in pain.

Fishlegs: Onyx and Tuffnut do have a point, Onyx doesn't have a dragon. Maybe we can help him find one? Something that fits him perfectly.

Astrid: So... Big, powerful but gentle, and smart.

Meryl gave Astrid a knowing smile with her arms crossed.

Astrid: ( to Meryl: ) What? Why are you looking at me like that.

Snotlout: Big and powerful. A monstrous nightmare!-

Fishlegs: But Monstrous Nightmares are really the gentle type, maybe a gronckle?

Tuffnut: No offense to Onyx but...

Ruffnut: He's taller than the seven of us. A gronckle is too small for him.

Fishlegs: Yeah, but there's only so many species of dragons that are on Berk.

The riders then felt the ground shake, and when they got outside, they didn't see anything that would cause the ground to shake.

Meryl: What was that?

Hiccup: I have no idea. But whatever it is, it's big.

( Meanwhile in the woods )

The giant dragon was trying to get the dragon bear trap off by smacking it on the ground, but it only caused more pain for the dragon. It made a small whine of pain as the wound on its leg has now deepened due to its attempts to get it off. It tried to roar to call for help, but no sound came out, it kept trying and trying to roar to no avail, which caused the dragon to lash out in frustration and knock five giant trees down with it's tail.

( The next morning, in the same spot in the woods. )

The Riders and their dragons were in the spot in the woods and looked at the knock down trees in confusion. Onyx was with them and was looking at the huge dragon footprints and the blood that was on the ground.

Hiccup: What dragon could've down this?

Fishlegs: A giant one-

Onyx: Judging by the size of these foot prints, the dragon is about 75 feet tall, and by how many sticks and leaves are scattered around the area its wingspan is at least a 125 feet. Approximately 4000 pounds. Judging by the marks on the knock down trees, it has a armored tail made for lashing.

The Riders looked at Onyx with impressed, shock expressions.

Fishlegs: You can tell all that by just looking at your surroundings?

Onyx: I spent seven years alone in the woods, I had a lot of time studying about everything around me, including dragons. And I have bad news....

Meryl: What...?

Onyx: The dragon is wounded. Judging by the blood on the ground, it was trying to get something off of them. And I think everyone knows that when an animal is in pain, they act aggressively.

Hiccup: Then we need to find that dragon. Onyx, do you think you can help us find it.

Onyx: Yes, plus, last I've checked, none of you know how to heal dragons.


That's it for this chapter, I hope you like it

What do you think will happen in this episode?

Till next time my agents of mischief 😜

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