Chapter 43

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( A/n: Part 3 of Heather Report part 1 )

Onyx was at Gobber's shop with Fáfnir, and a Terrible Terror with a bunch of thorns in his left front claw, when Heather approached him without him noticing.

Heather: Hi, Onyx-

Onyx: ( jumps out of fright, almost dropping the terror ) THOR'S MOTHER!! ( To Heather: ) Don't sneak up on a dragon healer, Heather. Especially when he's with a patient.

Heather: Sorry. ( The terror whines ) ( to the terrible terror: ) To the both of you.

The terror purrs before Onyx began to slowly pull the thorns out of the tiny dragon's claw, and once he was halfway finished, Heather began asking him questions.

Heather: So, Onyx. What kind of dragon is yours? I've never seen anything like him.

Onyx: He's a Boneknapper. Don't let the name scare ya. Boneknappers are gentle giants once you earn their trust.

Fáfnir sniffed at Heather in curiosity, but he was careful, as he didn't want to accidentally hurt her. Onyx finished taking the thorns out of the Terror's front claw and let the terror fly off.

Heather: He is very much a giant.

Onyx: That's what a lot of people say about me, so... That's why he's the perfect dragon for someone like me.

Gobber: ( off-screen: ) Onyx! A little help here, son!

Onyx: Coming! ( To Heather: ) Sorry, I have to go help Gobber.

( With Tida and Tuffnut )

Heather was now on Barf, while Tida was on Belch with Tuffnut. Ruffnut was nowhere to be found.

Heather: So, Tuff, tell me how this works again?

Tuffnut: Okay, you yank his head, he barfs up this nasty gas, and I spark it. But don't breathe it in.

Heather: Why not?

Tuffnut: You don't want to know. ( To Tida: ) Cove your nose, little sis.

Tida then covers her nose with a giggle.

Tuffnut: Just give me the signal.

Heather: What's the signal?

Tuffnut:, I always forget that.

Heather: How 'bout " fire "?

Tuffnut: Wow, you're good at this. Much better than my sister, Ruffnut I mean, whom I can easily get rid of, by the way.-

Tida didn't like what she was hearing, and made a cute little growl in response, making Heather chuckle.

Heather: Why don't we focus on the task at hand?

Tuffnut: Right. Okay, ready?

Heather: ( nods ) Ready.

Heather then yanked on Barf's head, spewing out the toxic and highly explosive gas.

Tuffnut: Signal! Ugh, darn- I mean, FIRE!

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