Chapter 36

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( A/n: Two Giants Part 4 )

The Riders and Onyx were back at the spot above the cove they were before.

Onyx: Okay, did everyone get the stuff they were tasked with?

Hiccup: Yes.

Snotlout: We got the fish, four baskets full.

Fishlegs: and I got all the bandages I could carry.

Onyx then placed the small bucket, which was now filled with water, on the ground and held the mortar and pestle in his hands with serious expression, and he hands the stirring stick to Snotlout.

Onyx: Snotlout, hold the stirring stick. Hiccup, Meryl, hand me the flowers. Astrid, place the jars of herbs on the ground by the bucket.

They did what Onyx told them, Onyx quickly began using the mortar and pestle to grind the flowers into powder before he dropped the powder in the bucket into the water. Onyx then opened the jars of herbs and began talking out loud.

Onyx: A pinch of powdered garlic to disinfect the wound ( takes a pinch of the powdered garlic from one of the jars and puts it in the water ), some powdered marigold-

Tuffnut: Where do you get all of this stuff?

Onyx: Not the time for questioning where I got my supplies, Tuff, now shush.

Onyx then grab some of the powdered marigold from it's jar and put it in the water.

Onyx: And now, some mint powder to weaken the scent of garlic, because a dragon's nose is a lot stronger than a human, meaning it's a lot more sensitive.

Onyx then puts the mint powder into the bucket and closed the jars. The Riders watched in awe as they watched Onyx do his work.

Onyx: Snotlout, the stick.

Snotlout quickly hands Onyx the stick without hesitation, and Onyx quickly began stirring.

Onyx: ( as he's stirring: ) Fishlegs, when the water turns a faded purple, begin putting the rolls of bandages in and soak until they turn to the same color as the water.

Once the water changed a faded purple, Fishlegs began putting all the bandages in and soaked them in the faded purple water. When they finished. Onyx puts the stick down and picked up the bandages.

Onyx: ( to the riders, with a serious expression: ) Stay here, and no matter what happens don't go anywhere near the Knappers.

Astrid: Why? Onyx, what are you going to do-

Onyx quickly began making his way down into the cove with the two giant dragons. The riders watched in worry as the older Boneknapper looked at Onyx and glared angrily and protectively at him.

Astrid: We have-

Hiccup: No, we need to trust that he knows what he's doing.

Meryl: ( under her breath: ) Oh Thor almighty, I swear I am going to die from how many flame attacks you all give me on a daily basis.

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