Chapter 60

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( A/n: Part 3 of Twinsanity )

Meryl and Onyx were in the Great Hall with Stoick, Gobber, and Dagur as they were having their feast, Meryl was trying to stay away from the Berserker chief to get a break from him hitting on her, and Onyx was trying to help keep his friend calm. Hiccup then walked in the Great Hall.

Onyx: ( whispers, to Hiccup: ) Did you get Barf and Belch under control?

Hiccup: Working on it.

Meryl: ( whispers, to Onyx and Hiccup: ) I am mentally praying that Dagur signs that treaty soon, he won't stop hitting on me even though I made it clear I'm taken and not interested.

Hiccup: Excuse me, Mery, Dagur has been wha-

Dagur: ( raises his mug ) A toast! To death in battle!

Gobber: ( raised his mug ) To your father! Oswald the Agreeable!

Many Berkians raised their mugs in agreement.

Dagur: ( annoyed: ) Fine, whatever! " To Oswald! To Oswald! To Oswald! " Bladady,  Bladady, blah! Ugh!

Gobber: Well, on that cheery note, shall we sign the treaty and send you on your way?

Dagur: Great idea! Let's sign that treaty.

Meryl and Onyx both let out a sigh of relief.

Dagur: Bring us the dragon's blood!

Meryl, Hiccup, and Onyx's eyes widened.

Meryl: Did... Did he just say " dragon's blood "?

Stoick: Heh, heh. Don't be ridiculous, Dagur. Your father and I haven't signed the treaty in dragon's blood for years.

Dagur: Why would that be a problem, Stoick? Unless, of course, you don't kill dragons anymore.

Stoick: We still kill dragons.

Meryl: ( trying to support Stoick's statement to keep the peace, to Dagur: ) You see, Dagur, the problem is, we've killed so many, there isn't a dragon within two hundred miles-

Barf and Belch then stormed in, alarming the Berserkers.

Gobber: Except that one.

Meryl: ( frustrated: ) You have got to be kidding me!!

Dagur: The Zippleback! It's a sign. A head for each Chief! It's going to be amazing! Tonight, we hunt dragon!

The Berserkers then began chanting " kill " in excitement, they went to prepare for the hunt.

Stoick: ( to Hiccup: ) You need to find that Zippleback before he does.

Then suddenly Mrs. Thorston ran into the Great Hall and to Stoick, panicked.

Mrs. Thorston: Stoick!

Stoick: ( to Mrs. Thorston: ) What's wrong?

Onyx: If it's about Barf and Belch, we already know.

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