Chapter 51

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( A/n: Part 1 of When Lighting Comes )

The Riders were outside, with Meryl as a dragon, as they were testing out the new dragon perches. Meryl slowly lands on the perch, and it supports her weight as a dragon.

Hiccup: Yes! It works!

Gobber: Way to go!

Onyx: Yeah!

Tida was standing beside Tuffnut and Ruffnut, with a tiny wooden hammer in her hands, as she was copying the twins, who were holding tools in their hands.

Tuffnut: So we built these things so stuff wouldn't break?

Ruffnut: I don't understand you people.

Tuffnut: And they tricked us into helping them build them. I feel so used...and sweaty.

Tida drops her wooden hammer and hugs Tuffnut's leg as an attempt to cheer her big brother up.

( Later that night )

Meryl was in Liv's room, and was brushing the sleeping six year old's hair. Evergreen was sleeping on the bed next to the little girl. Goofball was sitting beside Meryl. Then her eyes widened in pure fear when she heard the thunder, she quickly went to shut all windows of the house.

( With Onyx, outside )

Onyx was with everyone else outside with Fáfnir and Rhaegal, there was lightning everywhere.

Hiccup: The lightning is hitting everywhere.

Stoick: It usually doesn't strike here in the village.

Gobber: Thor must be angry. The only other time I can remember lightning ever striking Berk-

Gobber & Stoick: ( at the same time: ) Barnstat.

Hiccup and Onyx looked at Stoick and Gobber with confusion.

Hiccup: Barn-who?

Stoick: Jürgen Barnstat, drifter, sailed into town. He was stealing from widows and old men.

Gobber: To punish him, Thor gave him a lightning bolt right to his helmet when he was fixing the mast on his ship to make his escape.

Stoick: By the time Thor was finished with him, our whole fleet was on fire!

Gobber: We shipped him off the island? Pretty harsh.

Lightning strikes a house, and men shout.

Onyx: That's not good.

They run into the middle of the village. Several other houses catch in fire, and a Terrible Terror runs in fear, but is trapped. Onyx and the Boneknappers quickly ran into action, Fáfnir quickly made an opening above the Terror and gently picked it up by its horn and rescued it, gently handing it to Onyx. Onyx quickly checked to make sure the Terror wasn't hurt, and smiled when he saw that the tiny dragon was okay.

Stoick: Gobber, organize a bucket brigade. Onyx, find Gothi and help her treat anyone or dragon that is wounded. I'm going up to Great Hall.

Lightning strikes near Toothless, and he roars and runs away.

Hiccup: Toothless!

The people of Berk get to work putting out the fires, and Onyx was helping Gothi with treating the wounded vikings and dragons with Fáfnir and Rhaegal using their wings to shield them so the wounded dragons wouldn't be frightened by the storm.

Hiccup: ( runs past Onyx and Gothi: ) Have you two seen Toothless.

Gothi shakes her head " no ".

Onyx: Nope. I haven't. ( To Gothi: ) I'll be right back I'm going to help Hiccup. I'll leave all my dragon treatments with you, they are all labeled. Alright?

Gothi nods her and Onyx left with Hiccup to look for Toothless, but Onyx could've sworn he was forgetting something about SandStrikers and lightning storms. The two riders soon found the others.

Tuffnut: Yeah, now that's what I'm talking about!

Ruffnut: I've always liked Thor.

Snotlout: Oh, I love these storms! When it rains, I cancel bath night and just stand outside with nothing but a sponge and a bar of soap.

Fishlegs: We know. The village has had meetings about it.

Tuffnut: And our dad had said that if you traumatize Tida doing that, he'll snap your arms in two and feed you to the boars.

Hiccup: I-I need your help. I need to find Toothless!

Astrid: I just saw him by the Great Hall.

Astrid helped Onyx and Hiccup onto Stormfly. When they left, Fishlegs noticed that Meryl and her dragons were nowhere to be seen.

Fishlegs: Has anyone seen Meryl?

Tuffnut: We saw her yesterday, does that help?

Snotlout: Hey, Fishlegs is right. Where is she? I thought she would be out here and try to help out by now. And it's kinda worrying that we haven't seen Goofball try to eat a rock today.

Fishlegs: Oh, I think I remember Meryl telling me this interesting fact about SandStrikers. Like Dragons with eels, SandStrikers are terrified of...storms. Oh Thor, she's hiding in her house! She must be terrified!

( With Meryl )

Meryl was indeed, still in her house, refusing to leave, becoming more terrified by each light of lightning that she saw out her windows. Goofball was trying to comfort her the best he could. While Evergreen was growling at the lightning from the window in Liv's room, she thought that the lightning was a wild dragon wanting to scare her and her family.

Meryl: ( terrified: ) I hate Thor sometimes.


That's it for this chapter, I hope you like it

Till next time my agents of mischief 😜

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